Alisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Rhaetian Scotland(Argyll) Warrington,G. et al. Late Triassic miospores from Gribum, western Mull. 1985
details Norian Liassic Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Biostratigraphy of spore-pollen floras from the Caloundra to Nambour area, Nambour Basin. 1985
details Aptian Early Cenomanian Romania Antonescu,E. et al. Some palynological data concerning the convolute Flysch Nappe in the Trotus Valley, (East Carpathians). 1985
details Berriasian Quattrocchio,M.E. et al. Palynological study of the Berriasian at Mallin Quemado locality, Neuqu©n Provincia, Argentina. 1985
details Stephanian B Stephanian C China(Hupei) Gao,L. Carboniferous and Early Permian spore assemblages of North China Region and the boundary of the Carboniferous and Permian 1985
details Early Buntsandstein Middle Buntsandstein W.Germany(Hesse) Reitz,E. Triassic palynology of northern Hessen and Southern Niedersachsen 1985
details Early Buntsandstein Middle Buntsandstein W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Reitz,E. Triassic palynology of northern Hessen and Southern Niedersachsen 1985
details Middle Carboniferous Late Carboniferous USSR(Uzbek SSR) Yzakov,K. Lithological and biostratigraphical characteristics of Upper Paleozoic deposits of the Basement Bukharo-Karshinsk Region 1985
details Middle Carnian USA(Eastern) Robbins,E.I. Palynostratigraphy of coal-bearing sequences in Early Mesozoic Basins of the eastern United States. (In: Workshop on the Early Mesozoic Basins of the Eastern USA) 1985
original Late Permian China(Yunnan) Ouyang,S. Palynology of Upper Permian and Lower Triassic strata of Fuyuan District, Eastern Yunnan. 1985
details Djulfian Smithian New Zealand(S.I.) Crosbie,Y.M. Permian palynomorphs from the Kuriwao Group, Southland, New Zealand. 1985
original Hauterivian China(Kiangsi) Yu,J. et al. Cretaceous spore pollen in Jiangxi Province. 1985
original Asselian E.Germany(Suhl) Dyupina,G.V. et al. On the palynological correlation of Lower Permian deposits of Western Europe and the Pre-Urals 1985
details Tatarian Induan USSR(Urals) Tuzhikova,V.I. Miospores and stratigraphy of supporting sections of the Uralian Triassic. (Lower Triassic - Upper Permian Boundary) 1985
details Induan USSR(Urals) Tuzhikova,V.I. Miospores and stratigraphy of supporting sections of the Uralian Triassic. (Lower Triassic - Upper Permian Boundary) 1985
details Middle Carboniferous Late Carboniferous USSR(Uzbek SSR) Uzakov,K. Lithology and biostratigraphic characteristics of Late Paleozoic deposits of the Bukharo-Karshinskogo Region 1985
details Barremian South Korea Choi,D.K. Spores and pollen from the Gyeongsang Supergroup, southeastern Korea and their chronologic and paleoecologic implications. 1985