Alisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Triassic USSR(European) Romanovskaya,G.M. On the palynological characteristics of Lower Triassic deposits. (In: Spores and pollen of Phanerozoic deposits. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1984
details Late Rot Early Muschelkalk Poland Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. Palynostratigraphy of the Buntsandstein in sections of Westers Poland 1984
original Miocene Late Neogene India(Tripura) Salujha,S.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Atharmura Anticline, Tripura 1984
details Kimmeridgian Aptian Mexico(Chiapas) Michaud,F. et al. New data on the Mesozoic of the North eastern edge of the Chiapas Batholith, (southeast of Mexico). 1984
details Rhaetian France(Alpes,Cote d'Azur) Adloff,M.C. et al. Palynostratigraphic zones in the Triassic Series cut by boreholes in Jura and Bas-Dauphine. 1984
details Aptian Early Albian Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. The stratigraphic palynology of the Murray Basin in New South Wales. III. The Lachlan area. 1984
details Neocomian Early Albian Australia(NSW) Martin,H.A. The stratigraphic palynology of the Murry Basin in the New South Wales. II. The Murrumbidgee area. 1984
details Westphalian D Stephanian China Gao,L. Carboniferous spore assemblages in China. (In: Biostratigraphy. P.K.Sutherland and W.L.Manger, editors) 1984
details Autunian Europe Doubinger,J. et al. Stephanian-Autunian, Gzelian-Asselian; Palynological zonation and stratigraphic correlation. (In: Biostratigraphy. P.K.Sutherland and W.L.Manger, editors) 1984
details Autunian Spain Virgili,C. et al. The Autunian of Central Spain. (In: Biostratigraphy. P.K.Sutherland and W.L.Manger, editors) 1984
details Hauterivian Barremian Argentina(Chubut) Seiler,J. et al. Palynological zonation of the subsurface of the eastern part San Jorge Gulf. Correlation of boreholes of the Misma zone. 1984
details Cretaceous Atlantic Ocean Bair,J. et al. Palynology of some Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Malvinas area, South Atlantic 1984
details Pliensbachian Early Toarcian Volkheimer,W. Mesozoic microflora fossils 1984
details Aptian Albian Libya Batten,D.J. et al. Early-Late Cretaceous (Aptian-Cenomanian) palynomorphs. (In: Palynology of Northeast Libya. B.Thusu and B.Owens, editors) 1985
details Asselian Capitanian Canada(Arctic) Utting,J. Preliminary results of palynological studies of the Permian and Lowermost Triassic sediments, Sabine Peninsula, Melville Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. 1985
details Late Scythian Early Anisian W.Germany(Hesse) Ecke,H.H. et al. Palynostratigraphic data from an Evaporite Solution Breccia at the eastern Margin of the Leinetal Graben near Northeim (Southern Lower Saxony, F.R.). 1985
details Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous Canada(British Columbia) Sweet,A.R. Appendix 3: Palynology. (In: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Depositional Environments of the Coal-bearing Jurassic-Cretaceous Kootenay Group, Alberta and British Columbia. D.W. Gibson, editor) 1985