Alisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Callovian Volkheimer,W. et al. Stratigraphic distribution of Jurassic and Cretaceous palynomorphs in the Andean Realm and neighbouring areas of Southern South America, with special consideration of the Neuqu©n Basin. 1981
details Tithonian Volkheimer,W. et al. Stratigraphic distribution of Jurassic and Cretaceous palynomorphs in the Andean Realm and neighbouring areas of Southern South America, with special consideration of the Neuqu©n Basin. 1981
details Permian Peru Doubinger,J. et al. Palynologic study of the Copacabana Group, (Lower and Middle Permian) at the southern border of the Vilacabamba Range, Cuzco Region. 1981
details Stephanian B France(Moselle) Doubinger,J. et al. Palaeobotanic and palynologic studies in the Illingen Bed Zone (Stephanian B of the Sarre Coal Basin). 1981
details Early Triassic USSR(Kazakh SSR) Serebryanskaya,M.A. Spore and pollen complexes in Lower Triassic deposits of Usturt, Southern Mangyshlak, Buzachi Peninsula and their stratigraphic importance. 1981
details Middle Anisian France(Herault) Doubinger,J. et al. A precise Middle Anisian age based on palynology study from a layer of Triassic age plants in Lavaredes, (Lodeve, France). 1981
details Late Triassic USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Chernov,M.K. et al. Upper Triassic deposits of the eastern Azov Sea area. 1981
details Valanginian Early Aptian Czechoslovakia VavrdovЎ,M. Plant microfossils from the Lower Cretaceous of Stramberk, Czechoslovakia. 1981
details Aptian Cenomanian Iraq Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Early angiospermic pollen and associated palyno fossils in Albian-Cenomanian sediments of Abu Khema, Iraq 1981
details Induan Spathian USSR(European) Yaroshenko,O.P. et al. Palinologic characteristic of the Lower Triassic sediments of Timano-Pecherskaya Province and adjacent Regions 1981
details Scythian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Yaroshenko,O.P. et al. Palinologic characteristic of the Lower Triassic sediments of Timano-Pecherskaya Province and adjacent Regions 1981
details Liassic Dogger Switzerland Pantic,N.K. et al. Palynological investigation of the Bundnerschiefer.III. 1981
details Cretaceous Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Yorath,C.J. et al. Cretaceous and Tertiary stratigraphy and paleogeography northern Interior Plains, District of MacKenzie. 1981
details Early Kazanian USSR(Nenets Nat.Okrug) Koloda,N.A. et al. Miospores. (In: Permian deposits of Novaya Zemlya. N.V. Kalashniko et al, editors) 1981
details Permian Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. et al. Biostratigraphic evaluation of Graphiteous Shales in the Zemplin Inselberg area (Eastern Slovakia). 1981
details Late Jurassic New Mexico Tschudy,R.H. et al. Illustrations of plant microfossils from the Morrison Formation Ii. plant microfossils from the Westwater Canyon Member 1981
details Late Triassic China(Hunan) Gu,Z.-W. et al. Geologic age of the Jurassic-Triassic formation in southwestern Hunan, China. 1981