Alisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Anisian Ladinian Libya Adloff,M.C. et al. Trias of Tripolitania (Libya) new biostratigraphic and palynological data. Part two. 1986
original Early Triassic India(Uttar Pradesh) Tiwari,R.S. et al. Permian mioflora from Upper Part of Quartzite Member, Tal Formation, Singtali area, Lesser Himalaya, Uttar Pradesh 1986
details Middle Rhaetian Hettangian W.Germany(Baden) Brenner,W. Palynostragraphical remarks on the Rhaetic - Liassic boundary in southwest Germany. 1986
details Cenomanian Kansas Farley,M.B. et al. Correlation between miospores and depositional environments of the Dakota Formation (Mid-Cretaceous) of North Central Kansas and adjacent Nebraska, USA. 1986
details Cenomanian Nebraska Farley,M.B. et al. Correlation between miospores and depositional environments of the Dakota Formation (Mid-Cretaceous) of North Central Kansas and adjacent Nebraska, USA. 1986
original Toarcian Aalenian Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. Jurassic palynology of the Vilhelmsfalt Bore No.1, Scania, Sweden, Toarcian-Aalennian. 1986
details Late Rhaetian Pliensbachian Scotland(Sutherland) Batten,D.J. et al. The Triassic-Jurassic Junction at Golspie, Inner Moray Firth Basin. 1986
details Triassic Argentina(Mendoza) Zavattieri,A.M. Palynology of the Potrerillos Formation, (Traissic), at the locality, Cuyo Basin, (Mendoza Province, Argentina). Part 1. Triletes and Monoletes spores. 1986
details Middle Rhaetian Late Rhaetian Virginia Gore,P.J.W. et al. Triassic Notostracans in the Newark Supergroup, Culpeper Basin, northern Virginia, with a contribution on the palynology. 1986
details Late Pennsylvanian West Virginia Eble,C.F. Palynology of Coal Beds along a portion of Route 48 in West Virginia. 1986
details Neocomian India(Tamil Nadu) Maheshwari,H.K. Thinnfeldia Indica Feistmantel and associated plant fossils from Tiruchirapalli District, Tamil Nadu 1986
details Aptian Albian New Mexico Lucas,S.G. et al. Cretaceous stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, Clayton Lake State Park, Union County, New Mexico. 1986
details Asselian USSR(European) Faddeeva,I.Z. Miospores and acritarchs. (In: Atlas of characteristic complexes of Permian fauna and flora of the Urals and Russian Platform) 1986
details Olenikian USSR(Omskaya Oblast) Klimko,S.A. Triassic palynocomplexes of the central part of the Western Siberian Plate (according to the Nikoskaya Parametric Well). (In: Biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic of Siberia and the Far East. A.L.Yanshin et al, editors) 1986
details Early Triassic USSR(Siberia) Obonitskaya,E.K. Lower Triassic palynocomplexes of Middle Siberia. (In: Biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic of Siberia and the Far East. A.L.Yanshin et al, editors) 1986
details Early Permian India(Assam) Sharma,K.D. et al. Occurrence of Gondwana palynofossils in Barpathar Well No.1 of Upper Assam subsurface 1986
details Early Cretaceous Early Cretaceous India(Assam) Sharma,K.D. et al. Occurrence of Gondwana palynofossils in Barpathar Well No.1 of Upper Assam subsurface 1986