Alisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Carnian Rhaetian Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of samples from GSQ Ipswich 26. 1982
details Middle Albian Canada(Ontario) Norris,G. Mesozoic palynology of the Moose River Basin. (In: Mesozoic geology and mineral potential of Moose River Basin. I.G.Telford and H.M.Verma, editor) 1982
details Carnian Morocco Le Marrec,A. et al. The Permo-Triassic of high-Atlas of Demnat (Morocco) Lithostriatigraphic and palynological data 1982
details Anisian Ladinian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Serebryanskaya,M.A. Spore and pollen complexes in Middle Triassic deposits of northern Usturt, Buzachi Peninsula and their stratigraphic importance. 1982
details India(Uttar Pradesh) Vimal,K.P. et al. Preliminary report of palynofossils from Infratrappean Beds of Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. 1982
details Cenomanian China(Inner Mongolia) Guo,Z. Sporopollen study of the Cretaceous Zhaganlimen Nuoer Formation in the Abagaqi of Xilinguolemen, Inner Mongolia, China 1982
details Early Triassic USSR(Krasnoyarsk Kray) Krugovykh,V.V. et al. The age and structure of the "Bowl" deposits of magnetite ore mineralization Inf the Kychet Iron-Ore deposit, (on the Siberian Platform). 1982
details Campanian Hungary Siegl-Farkas,A. Palynostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous in the Uppony Mountains. 1982
details Anisian Norian Syria Yaroshenko,O.P. et al. Palynological complexes of the Triassic of Syria and their stratigraphic importance 1982
details Late Jurassic China(Kiangsu) Lin,S.-L. The Upper Jurassic Xihengshan Formation in the Ningwu and Lishui Regions. 1982
details Stephanian Autunian Algeria Doubinger,J. et al. Depositional evidence of an Autunian "Flora Mixture" in the Bechar-Abadla Basin, (Algerian Western Sahara). 1983
details Late Anisian Italy(Sardinia) Pittau Demelia,P. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Triassic Series of Punta del Lavatoio (Northwest Sardinia). 1983
details Autunian Spain Arche,A. et al. The Permian of the Iberian Chain and on the Borders of the Central system. 1983
details Albian Cenomanian Australia(NSW) McMinn,A. The Toolebuc Formation in the Eromanga Basin of New South Wales. 1983
details Stephanian France(Seine-et-Marne) Doubinger,J. Palynological studies in the Stephanian Basin of Montceau-les-Mines (First Unit): Stratigraphical and paleoecological aspects. 1983
details Middle Jurassic Early Cretaceous India(Gujarat) Koshal,V.N. Jurassic-Early Cretaceous palynofossil assemblage in the subsurface of Banni-Nirona, Kachchh, Western India. (In: Cretaceous of India : Proceedings of the Symposium on "Cretaceous of India - Palaeoecology, Palaeogeography and Time Boundaries". K.H.Maheshwari, editor) 1983
details Berriasian Valanginian Argentina(Santa Cruz) Baldoni,A.M. et al. Palynology of the Springhill Formation, (Lower Cretaceous), subsurface Argentina and southern Chile. 1983