Alisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Carnian Toarcian Australia(Queensland) de Jersey,N.J. Triassic miospores from GSQ Ipswich 23, Greenbank area. 1980
details Late Oxfordian Volkheimer,W. et al. The continental margin of Gondwana, principally in central western Argentina. 1980
details Permian Argentina(Buenos Aires) Archangelsky,S. et al. Permian palynomorphs from drillings in the Colorado Basin, Argentina Shelf, Buenos Aires Province. 1980
details Early Autunian France(Allier) Paquette,Y. et al. Palynologic study of the Autunian Couche du Toit, Aumance Basin (Assise De Buxieres) in connection with the sedimentary environment. 1980
details Ladinian Rhaetian Austria Planderova,E. Palynomorphs from Lunz Beds and from Black Clayey Shales in basement of Vienna Basin, (Borehole LNV-7). 1980
details Late Volgian Valanginian Canada(Arctic) Christie,R.L. et al. Stratigraphical sections and palynological reports from Mesozoic rocks at Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island. 1980
details Late Buntsandstein Poland DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. et al. Spore-pollen spectrum of Permian and Triassic rocks in the Piekoszow Syncline, Gory Swietokrzyskie Mountains. 1980
details Late Buntsandstein Poland DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. et al. Spore-pollen spectrum of Permian and Triassic rocks in the Piekoszow Syncline, Gory Swietokrzyskie Mountains. 1980
original Aptian Switzerland Isler,A. et al. "Schistes Lustres" deposits of Tethys 1980
original Early Jurassic Switzerland Isler,A. et al. "Schistes Lustres" deposits of Tethys 1980
original Late Permian Early Triassic Angola de Lima,M.R. et al. Microflora of the Cassanje Series, (Karroo System), Angola. 1980
details Aptian Switzerland Bolli,H.M. et al. The North Pennine Domain between Westgraubunden and Brig 1980
details Late Jurassic Utah Tschudy,R.H. et al. Illustrations of plant microfossils from the Morrison Formation I.Plant microfossils from the Brushy Basin Member 1980
details Olenikian USSR(Russian Platform) Vasileva,N.S. Concerning the age of the varigated deposits of North-West Pritiman (from palynological data). (In: Paleomikrofitologicheskie issledovaniya dlya tselei stratigrafii. L.A. Panova, editor.) 1980
details Middle Triassic USSR(Chelyabinskaya) Tuzhikova,V.I. On the dating of the deposits of the Turinsk phytostratigraphy horizon, Turinsk and Bitkuyevskaya Suites of the Suhoyaksk Region Chelyabinsk Basin. (In: New data on the Triassic stratigraphy of the Paleo-Urals. V.I. Tuzikova and G.N. Papulov, editors) 1980
details Scythian Rhaetian Canada(Arctic) Ford,J.H. Palynology of 75 Mesozoic Field samples from the Sverdrup Basin of Arctic Canada 1980
details Triassic Canada(Arctic) Ford,J.H. Palynology of 75 Mesozoic Field samples from the Sverdrup Basin of Arctic Canada 1980