Alisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Barremian Aptian Canada(Eastern Offshore) Barss,M.S. et al. A palynological zonation and correlation of Sixty-Seven wells, 1979
details Carnian Norian Canada(Eastern Offshore) Barss,M.S. et al. A palynological zonation and correlation of Sixty-Seven wells, 1979
details Barremian Aptian Canada(Eastern Offshore) Barss,M.S. et al. A palynological zonation and correlation of Sixty-Seven wells, 1979
details Carnian Norian Canada(Eastern Offshore) Barss,M.S. et al. A palynological zonation and correlation of Sixty-Seven wells, 1979
details Early Permian Early Jurassic India(Andhra Pradesh) Shah,S.C. et al. Gondwana of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu; a review. (In: Proceedings of Colloquium on Paleontological Studies in Southern Region. M.V.A. Sastry et al editors) 1979
details Late Triassic China(Kansu) Liu,Z.-S. Triassic sporo-pollen assemblages from Ruishiu River, Huating County in Gansu Province. (In: Papers for the 5th International Palynological Conference.) 1980
details Late Westphalian China(Shansi) Ouyang,S. et al. Upper Carboniferous spores from Shuo Xian, Northern Shanxi. (In: Papers for the 5th International Palynological Conference.) 1980
details Norian Rhaetian China(Tibet) Shang,Y.-K. Late Triassic pollen and spores from Xizang (Tibet) China. (In: Papers for the 5th International Palynological Conference.) 1980
details Sinemurian Late Toarcian Volkheimer,W. Liassic microfloras of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argentina): Relations with other Gondwanic Areas. 1980
details Sinemurian Late Toarcian Argentina(San Juan) Volkheimer,W. Liassic microfloras of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argentina): Relations with other Gondwanic Areas. 1980
details Late Stephanian Zechstein Poland Gгrecka,T. et al. Results of palynological investigations of Permo-Carboniferous in the North East of Wroclaw. 1980
details Late Albian Oklahoma Wingate,F.H. Plant microfossils from the Denton Shale Member of the Bokchito Formation, (Lower Cretaceous, Albian) in Southern Oklahoma. 1980
details Late Permian China(Yunnan) Ouyang,S. et al. Microflora from the Ka-Yi-Tou Formation of Fuyuan District, eastern Yunnan and its bearing on stratigraphy and paleobotany. 1980
details Liassic Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of samples from GSQ Monto 3 and 4. 1980
details Albian Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of the Burrum Coal Measures in Fairymead NS1, Maryborough Basin. 1980
details Late Carboniferous Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of GSQ Charters Towers 1. 1980
details Toarcian Late Aptian Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of the Tiaro Coal Measures and Maryborough Formation in GSQ Maryborough 2. 1980