Alisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Cretaceous Spain Cramer,F.H. et al. Note on the Cretaceous palynoflora of northern Spain. 1979
details Middle Triassic Australia(Queensland) de Jersey,N.J. et al. Composition of palynofloras and taxonomic notes on selected species from GSQ Hughenden1-2R,5 and 6 (Northern Galilee Basin). 1979
details Permian Triassic India(Rajasthan) Lukose,N.G. et al. Palynology of Pre-Lathi sediments, (Permo-Triassic) of Shumarwali Talaistructure, Jaisalmer, western Rajasthan, India. 1979
details Triassic India Srivastava,S.C. Morphographic variations-In Situ spores and pollen from Triassic of India. 1979
details Late Ladinian Early Carnian England(Derbyshire) Warrington,G. Micropalaeontology. (In: Geology of the Country north of Derby: Memoir for 1:50 000 Geological Sheet 125: D.V. Frost and J.G.O. Smart, editors) 1979
details Albian France(Paris Basin) Fauconnier,D. The dinoflagellates of the Albian and Lower Cenomanian of the Paris Basin. 1979
details Late Permian Middle Triassic Australia(Queensland) McKellar,J.L. Palynostratigraphy of core samples from GSQ Hughenden 7. 1979
original Late Artinskian India(Maharashtra) Agashe,S.N. et al. Recent advances in the paleobotanical studies on the Lower Gondwana strata of Chandrapur District, Maharashtra. 1979
details Late Neogene India(West Bengal) Datta,A.K. et al. A note on the palaeogeographic significance of occurrence of recycled Lower Gondwana palynoflora in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of Assam-Arakan Province 1979
original Anisian Ladinian USSR(Urals) Golubeva,L.P. Miospore complexes of Triassic deposits of the stratotype sections of the Bolshesenininsk Depression of the Cis-Urals Trough. (In: Stratigrafiya Triasa Urala i Predural'ya.Sbornik po Voprosam Stratigrafii. #27. V.I. Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editor) 1979
original Anisian Ladinian USSR(Urals) Golubeva,L.P. Miospore complexes of Triassic deposits of the stratotype sections of the Bolshesenininsk Depression of the Cis-Urals Trough. (In: Stratigrafiya Triasa Urala i Predural'ya.Sbornik po Voprosam Stratigrafii. #27. V.I. Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editor) 1979
original Ladinian USSR(Bashkir ASSR) Tuzhikova,V.I. Palynological charactieristics of the Yushatyrsk Suite of the Southern Cis-Ural. (In: Triassic Stratigraphy of the Urals and Cis-Urals. Symposium on the Problems of Stratigraphy. #27). V.I.Tuzhikova and G.N.Papulov, editors) 1979
details Early Cretaceous China Zhang,Z.L. Cretaceous sporo-pollen assemblages of South-Central China. (In: Mesozoic and Cenozoic Red Beds of South China.) 1979
original Cretaceous Brazil(Pernambuco) de Lima,M.R. Palynology of the Santana Formation (Cretaceous of Northeastern Brazil). II: Systematic descriptions of the spores of the Subtruma Zonoletes, Truma Monoletes and of the pollen of the Truma Saccites and Aletes. 1979
details Barremian Early Cenomanian Maryland Doyle,J.A. Palynostratigraphic zonation. (In: New data bearing on the structural significance of the Upper Chesapeake Bay magnetic anomaly. J.Edwards and H.J. Hansen) 1979
details Triassic Early Kimmeridgian Canada(Arctic) Ford,J.H. Palynology of Triassic and Jurassic Field samples, cores and cuttings from the Sverdrup Basin of Arctic Canada 1979
details Autunian Early Carnian Spain SopeŠ±a,A. Stratigraphy of the Permian and Triassic of the North East of Guadalajara Province 1979