details |
Maastrichtian |
Early Danian |
Australia(S.Australia) |
Alley,N.F. et al. Stratigraphy and palynology of Mesozoic sediments Australian Bight area, Southern Australia. |
1992 |
details |
Liassic |
Malm |
W.Germany(Baden) |
Schweitzer,H.J. et al. Correlation of spore zone from the Lower Triassic and Jurassic in the Middle East and South Germany. |
1987 |
details |
Late Volgian |
Valanginian |
USSR(Yamalo-Nenets) |
Vakhrameev,V.A. et al. The boundry between the Jurassic and Cretaceous on the palynologic data |
1980 |
details |
Late Valanginian |
Aptian |
W.Germany(Niedersachsen) |
Batten,D.J. et al. Aspects of palynomorph distribution, floral Provinces and climate during the Cretaceous |
1987 |
details |
Late Valanginian |
Early Hauterivian |
W.Germany(N.Rhine) |
Ashraf,A.R. et al. Palynomorphs of the Valanginian/Hauterivian boundary at Mittellandkanal near Pollhagen |
1988 |
details |
Late Turonian |
Early Campanian |
Canada(Arctic) |
Nкбez-Betelu,L.K. et al. Preliminary Paleopalynology of the Kanguk Formation, (Upper Cretaceous), Remus Creek, Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago; 2. Terrestrial palynomorphs. |
1992 |
details |
Late Toarcian |
Bajocian |
North Sea |
Nagy,J. et al. Sedimentological and paleontological analyses of Jurassic North Sea deposits from Deltaic environments |
1984 |
details |
Late Toarcian |
Bathonian |
Denmark |
Nielsen,L.H. et al. Reworked Carboniferous palynomorphs from the Lower Jurassic of Bornholm and their palaeogeographic significance. |
1991 |
details |
Late Toarcian |
Europe(NW.Europe) |
Batten,D.J. et al. Biostratigraphic significance of uppermost Triassic and Jurassic miospores in Northwest Europe. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) |
1996 |
details |
Late Tithonian |
Berriasian |
England(Sussex) |
Norris,G. Miospores from the Purbeck Beds and marine Upper Jurassic of Southern England. |
1969 |
details |
Late Sinemurian |
Aalenian |
W.Germany(Baden) |
Srivastava,S.K. Jurassic spore-pollen assemblages from Normandy, (France and Germany). |
1987 |
details |
Late Sinemurian |
Aalenian |
W.Germany(Bremen) |
Srivastava,S.K. Jurassic spore-pollen assemblages from Normandy, (France and Germany). |
1987 |
details |
Late Santonian |
Early Campanian |
Canada(Alberta) |
Braman,D.R. Terrestrial palynomorphs of the Upper Santonian - ?Lower Campanian Milk River Formation, southern Alberta, Canada. |
2001 |
details |
Late Portlandian |
Celtic Sea |
Ainsworth,N.R. et al. Jurassic and Upper Triassic biostratigraphy of the North Celtic Sea and Fastnet Basins. (In:Northwest European Micropalaeontology and Palynology.D.J. Batten and M.C. Keen, editors) |
1989 |
details |
Late Pliensbachian |
Middle Bajocian |
Ethiopia |
Hirsch,F. The Gondwanian Triassic and Jurassic Tethys Shelf ; Sephardic and Ethiopian faunal Realms. (In: Shallow Tethys 2. K.G.McKenzie, editors) |
1987 |
details |
Late Pliensbachian |
Cretaceous |
Israel |
Conway,B.H. Paleozoic-Mesozoic palynology of Israel Ii. Palynostratigraphy of the Jurassic succession in the subsurface of Israel |
1990 |
details |
Late Oxfordian |
Berriasian |
USSR(Ryazin) |
Vakhrameev,V.A. et al. Palinological characteristics of the Berriasian (Ryazanskii horizon) in Podmoscowe |
1983 |