details |
Early Carboniferous |
USSR(Urals) |
Naumova,S.N. The "Vtorogo Baku" Coal. |
1941 |
details |
Early Tournaisian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Ishchenko,A.M. Spores and pollen of Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Western extension of the Donetz Basin and their values for stratigraphy. |
1956 |
original |
Middle Visean |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Ishchenko,A.M. Spores and pollen of Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Western extension of the Donetz Basin and their values for stratigraphy. |
1956 |
details |
Tournaisian |
USSR(Belorussian SSR) |
Kedo,G.I. The stratigraphy and spore-pollen Groups of the Lower levels of the Carboniferous of the Belorussian SSRsr. |
1957 |
details |
Visean |
USSR(Ulyanov) |
Byvsheva,T.V. The spore-pollen characteristics of the Lower Carboniferous in the Melemess and Buzuluk explora-Tory Drill Holes. |
1957 |
details |
Visean |
USSR(Orenburg) |
Byvsheva,T.V. The spore-pollen characteristics of the Lower Carboniferous in the Melemess and Buzuluk explora-Tory Drill Holes. |
1957 |
details |
Tournaisian |
Bashkirian |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Ishchenko,A.M. Spore and pollen analysis of the Lower Carboniferous deposits of the Dnieper-Donets Basin. |
1958 |
details |
Early Carboniferous |
USSR(Belorussian SSR) |
Kedo,G.I. The spore and pollen features of the Lower Carboniferous horizons of the Belorussian S.S.R. |
1958 |
details |
Early Visean |
USSR(Saratov) |
Loginova,A.M. On the stratigraphy of the Yasnopolyansky Substage of the Saratov-Stalingrad Volga area |
1959 |
details |
Early Visean |
USSR(Stalingrad) |
Loginova,A.M. On the stratigraphy of the Yasnopolyansky Substage of the Saratov-Stalingrad Volga area |
1959 |
details |
Carboniferous |
Early Carboniferous |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Golubtsov,V.K. et al. On the discovery of deposits of the Yasnaya Polyana Substage of the Lower Carboniferous in the Chernigov deep well |
1959 |
details |
Carboniferous |
Early Carboniferous |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Golubtsov,V.K. et al. On the discovery of deposits of the Yasnaya Polyana Substage of the Lower Carboniferous in the Chernigov deep well |
1959 |
details |
Tournaisian |
USSR(Belorussian SSR) |
Kedo,G.I. Significance of spore-pollen analysis in the stratigraphy of the continental deposits of the Lower horizons of the Carboniferous of Byelorussia. |
1959 |
details |
Tournaisian |
USSR(Belorussian SSR) |
Kedo,G.I. Significance of spore-pollen analysis in the stratigraphy of the continental deposits of the Lower horizons of the Carboniferous of Byelorussia. |
1959 |
details |
Tournaisian |
Namurian B |
USSR(Ukrainian SSR) |
Teteryuk,V.K. Stratigraphic separation of Lower Carboniferous deposits of the western part of the Donbas by spores and pollen |
1960 |
details |
Late Tournaisian |
Middle Visean |
USSR(Ulyanov) |
Loginova,A.M. Stratigraphy of the terrigenous Part of the Lower Carboniferous of the Ulyanovskogo Povolzhya (Okhotnichya and Varvarovsk areas) |
1960 |
details |
Visean |
USSR(Belorussian SSR) |
Kedo,G.I. Spore-pollen complexes of the Paleozoic deposits of Byelorussia. |
1960 |