
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Sarmatian Middle Sarmatian Europe Ananova,E.N. et al. Sarmatian and Meotian pollen complexes of the East Paratethys and their correlation with Transcarpathian. 1979
details Late Neogene Pleistocene Belgium Vanhoorne,R.E. Pliocene and Praetiglian pollen spectra in the area northeast of the Feldbissfault in Belgium and their importance for the Plio-Pleistocene boundary. 1979
details Middle Oligocene Northern Hemisphere Hochuli,P.A. The palaeoclimatic evolution in the Late Palaeogene and the Early Neogene. 1979
details Middle Eocene Late Eocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Strepetova,Z.V. et al. Palynologic Proof of the Early Oligocene age of sediments in the Basin of the Lower Yana, Northern Yakutia. 1979
details Late Pannonian Hungary Mihaltz-Farago,M. Palaeoflora of borehole Ke-3 of Kecskemet (Great Hungarian Plain) in light of palynological analysis 1979
details Late Miocene Pleistocene Greece Sauvage,J. The palynological subdivisions in Hellinic Cainozoic and their stratigraphic correlations. 1979
details Dacian Poland Stuchlik,L. Chronostratigraphy of the Central Paratethys Neogene deposits in South Poland based on palaeobotanical studies 1979
details Early Miocene South Korea Paik,K.H. et al. The micropaleontological study of the Tertiary (Miocene) deposits of the Pohang Area, Korea. 1979
details Calabrian Italy Kulka,G. et al. Radiometric age of the Arctica Islandica boundary in Itay ; 2 M.Y. 1979
details Early Miocene South Korea Paik,K.H. et al. The micropaleontological study of the Tertiary (Miocene) deposits of the Pohang area, Korea. 1979
details Reuverian Middle Pleistocene W.Germany(Bavaria) Urban,J.B. Biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy of the Plio-Pleistocene Beds in the Lower Rhine. (In: Studies on Loess. E.Szadeczky-Kardoss, editor) 1979
details Pretiglian Tiglian Greece Gillet,S. et al. Paleontologic study of the Plio-Pleistocene of Locride and Western Euboea, Central Greece; malacology and palynology 1979
details Early Jurassic USSR(Pre-Baltic) Venozhinskene,A.I. Palynological investigations of Mesozoic deposits in the Southern Pre-Baltic and their significance for stratigraphy. 1980
details Middle Jurassic Aptian USSR(Pre-Baltic) Venozhinskene,A.I. Palynological investigations of Mesozoic deposits in the Southern Pre-Baltic and their significance for stratigraphy. 1980
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Shchekina,N.A. The development of the flora and vegetation in the Ukraine during the Upper Oligocene and Miocene. 1980
details Bartonian France Ollivier-Pierre,M.F. Palynological study (spores and pollen), of Paleogene deposits of the Armorican Massif. Stratigraphy and paleogeogaphy. 1980
details Late Jurassic Poland Mamczar,J. Upper Jurassic microflora. (In: Atlas Skamienialosci Przewodnich i Charakterystycznych. L.Malinowska, W.Bielecka and M.Rogalska, editors.Warsaw) 1980