Leiosphaeridia gigantea

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Riphean USSR(Buryat ASSR) Faizulina,Z.K. et al. Organic microfossils in the Kholodninsk, Oldakitsk and Tukalomiisk Suites of northern Prebaikal. (In: Late Precambrian and Early Paleozoic stratigraphy of Central Siberia) 1984
details Late Vendian USSR(Siberia) Rudavskaya,V.A. The stratigraphic importance of Proterozoic-Early Cambrian acritarchs for the Siberian and Russian Platforms. (In: Palynological Investigations of Paleozoic and Mesozoic deposits of Northern USSR and Caspian Sea Region. N.A. Timoshina, editor) 1985
details Riphean Vendian USSR(Urals) Volkova,N.A. Acritarchs and other organic microfossils of the Vostochno-Evropeiskoi Platform. (In: The Vendian System. Historic Geological and Paleontological Basis. Paleontology. B.S.Sokolov, editor) 1985
details Late Vendian USSR(Arkhangelsk Oblast) Ragozina,A.L. et al. Microfossils of the Valdaiskaya Series of the North Western Arkhangelsk Oblast. (In: The Vendian System. Historic Geological and Paleontological Basis. Paleontology. B.S.Sokolov, editor) 1985
details Vendian Early Cambrian USSR(Russian Platform) Sokolov,B.S. The Vendian system; historical geological and paleontological substantiation. (In: The Vendian System. B.S.Sokolov, editor) 1985
details Vendian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Khomentovskii,V.V. Vendian of the Siberian Platform. (In: The Vendian System. B.S.Sokolov, editor) 1985
details Vendian USSR(Moscow) Velikanov,V.A. Key section of the Vendian in Podolia. (In: The Vendian System. B.S.Sokolov, editor) 1985
details Middle Vendian Late Vendian USSR(European) Khomentovskii,V.V. The Vendian System of Siberia and a standard stratigraphic Scale. 1986
details Early Vendian USSR(Siberia) Khomentovskii,V.V. The Vendian System of Siberia and a standard stratigraphic Scale. 1986
details Yudoma USSR(Krasnoyarsk Kray) Pyatiletov,V.G. Late Precambrian microphytofossils from the Katangskoi Rise in the Sopredelnykh Territory (Western Part of the Siberian Platform). (In: Late Precambrian and Early Paleozoic of Siberia, stratigraphy and paleontology collection of Scientific Papers. V.V.Khomentovski and V.I.Shenfil, editors) 1986
details Vendian USSR(Siberia) Pyatiletov,V.G. Resolutions of the All-Union Collequim on plant microfossils, (acritarchs), of Interior, (oil and gas bearing), Regions of the Siberian Platform. 1986
details Late Riphean Vendian USSR(Siberia) Khomentovskii,V.V. et al. The principal problems of stratigraphy of the Preusolie deposits occurring in the Interior Regions of the Siberian Platform 1987
details Vendian USSR(Urals) Hofmann,H.J. Paleoscene #7 -Precambrian biostratigraphy 1987
details Late Vendian USSR(Belorussian SSR) Nekryata,N.S. et al. Palynological study of Proterozoic and Phanerozoic deposits of Byelorussia. (In: Palynology in the USSR. A.F.Chlonova, editor) 1988
details Riphean USSR(Siberia) Veis,A.F. Riphean and Vendian microfossils of the Ushur-Maya and Turukhan Regions of Siberia 1988
details Nd Nd German,T.N. et al. Systematic descriptions of microfossils. (In: Precambrian Microfossils of the USSR. T.V.Yankauskas, editor) 1989
details Late Proterozoic Nd Fensome,R.A. et al. Acritarchs and Fossil Prasinophytes: An index to genera, species and infraspecific taxa. 1990