Subtriporopollenites firmus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Thanetian Sparnacian France(Loire Atlantique) Ollivier-Pierre,M.F. Contribution to the palynologic study of a Saprogenic Layer of La Sennetiere in La Bernerie (Loire Atlantique). 1970
details Paleocene USSR(Belorussian SSR) Manykin,S.S. Paleocene deposits of Belorussia. (In: Palynological investigations in Belorussia and other Regions of the USSR. V.K.Golubzov et al, editors) 1971
original Paleocene Early Eocene W.Germany(Hesse) Thomson,P.W. et al. Pollen and spores of the Middle European Tertiary. 1953
details Paleocene Eocene France(Loire) Durand,S. Contribution to the study of the Littoral between La Bernerie and the Monasteries (Loire Atlantique). 1957
details Paleocene France(Paris Basin) Durand,S. Pollen analysis of Paleogene formations of France. 1964
details Middle Oligocene Romania Olaru,L. Research on the stratigraphical distribution of microflora in the Paleogene flysch situated between the Bistrita and Totus Rivers. 1978
details Middle Eocene Early Oligocene Lithuania Vialov,O.S. et al. Region I. The Western Russian, (East European), Platform, (Lithuania, Byelorussia and Kaliningrad Region of Russia). (In: Late Eocene-Early Oligocene geological and Biotical events on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union.Part 1: The regional geology of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene. V.A.Krasheninnikov and M.A.Akhmetiev, editors) 1996
details Middle Eocene Early Oligocene Belarus Vialov,O.S. et al. Region I. The Western Russian, (East European), Platform, (Lithuania, Byelorussia and Kaliningrad Region of Russia). (In: Late Eocene-Early Oligocene geological and Biotical events on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union.Part 1: The regional geology of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene. V.A.Krasheninnikov and M.A.Akhmetiev, editors) 1996
details Middle Eocene Early Oligocene Russia(Kaliningrad) Vialov,O.S. et al. Region I. The Western Russian, (East European), Platform, (Lithuania, Byelorussia and Kaliningrad Region of Russia). (In: Late Eocene-Early Oligocene geological and Biotical events on the Territory of the Former Soviet Union.Part 1: The regional geology of the Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene. V.A.Krasheninnikov and M.A.Akhmetiev, editors) 1996
details Eocene France Ollivier-Pierre,M.F. Palynological study (spores and pollen), of Paleogene deposits of the Armorican Massif. Stratigraphy and paleogeogaphy. 1980
details Eocene France(Loire Atlantique) Durand,S. The Tertiary of Bretagne.Stratigraphic, sedimentologic and tectonic studies. 1960
details Early Tertiary China(Inner Mongolia) Song,Z.-C. Early Tertiary Normapolles and related palynomorphs of China. (II.) 1996
details Early Eocene Hungary Rakosi,L. Palynological synthesis of the Early Eocene, stratigraphy of borehole Csehbany Nr.1 and Balinka Nr. 252 1968
details Early Eocene France(Marne) Gruas-Cavagnetto,C. Palynological study of some samples of the Sparnacian of Verzenay, (Paris Basin). 1964