Trachytriletes solidus

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details Early Carboniferous USSR(Latvian SSR) Lyarskaya,L.A. et al. Composition and Ichthyofauna of the Ketlersk Suite in Latvia. (In: Regional Geology of the Baltic Region. V.S.Sorokin, editor) 1974
details Early Famennian USSR(Tyumenskaya Oblast) Menyailenko,P.A. Lower Famennian sedimentary rocks in the transition zone of facies between Central and Southern Timan 1974
details Eifelian USSR(Lithuanian SSR) Kisnerius,Y.L. Key sections of the borehole "Stonishkaya" of the Lithuanian SSR. 1974
details Late Devonian Early Carboniferous USSR(Chelyabinskaya) Chibrikova,E.V. Floral assemblages of the Devonian-Carboniferous transition. (Concerning the age of the flora of the Solonchatka River.) 1974
details Famennian USSR(Bashkir ASSR) Chibrikova,E.V. et al. The geological age of the Biyagod Ridge, according to palynological and paleomagnetic data. 1974
details Early Devonian USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Sivertseva,I.A. et al. Finds of Paleozoic spores in metamorphosed Kamchatkan Beds 1974
details Famennian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Sergeyeva,L.A. et al. Micropaleophytological characterization of Devonian deposits from the Dnieper-Donets Basin. 1974
details Famennian USSR(Altai Kray) Lavrinenko,A.P. et al. Paleozoic spore-pollen complexes of the southwestern Altai. 1974
details Frasnian Early Carboniferous USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Raskatova,L.G. A detailed stratigraphic subdivision of the Devonian of the Central Devonian Field in the light of palynological evidence. 1974
details Late Frasnian Early Famennian USSR(Stalingrad) Chibrikova,E.V. et al. New stratigraphic subdivisions of the Upper Devonian in the south-east of the Russian Platform and Urals and their palynological characteristics. 1974
details Famennian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Nazarenko,A.M. Famennian complexes of plant microfossils of the Volgograd Povolzhya and their changes according to the lithological compositin of contained rocks. 1974
details Middle Devonian China(Kweichow) Kao,L. et al. Early and Middle Devonian spore assemblages from Tushan and Duyun of Kweichow and their stratigraphical significane. 1975
original Early Devonian China(Szechwan) Xiang,L. et al. Early Devonian graptolite-bearing formation and its paleontological features at Baoxing County, Sichuan, (Szechwan). 1975
details Famennian USSR(Voronezh) Raskatova,L.G. et al. Comparison of Kudeyorovka deposits of the Central Devonian Field and the Timen-Pechora Province. (In: Some Questions on the Stratigraphy of the Sedimentary Cover of the Voronezh Anticline. V.P.Semenov, editor) 1975
details Famennian USSR(Tambov) Raskatova,L.G. et al. Comparison of Kudeyorovka deposits of the Central Devonian Field and the Timen-Pechora Province. (In: Some Questions on the Stratigraphy of the Sedimentary Cover of the Voronezh Anticline. V.P.Semenov, editor) 1975
details Famennian USSR(Komi ASSR) Raskatova,L.G. et al. Comparison of Kudeyorovka deposits of the Central Devonian Field and the Timen-Pechora Province. (In: Some Questions on the Stratigraphy of the Sedimentary Cover of the Voronezh Anticline. V.P.Semenov, editor) 1975
details Frasnian USSR(Russian Platform) Raskatova,L.G. Palynological characteristics of the Voronezh deposits of the central regions of the Prussian Platform. (In: Some Questions on the Stratigraphy of the Sedimentary Cover of the Voronezh Anticline. V.P.Semenov, editor) 1975