Pterospermopsis barbarae

Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Oligocene Middle Oligocene Romania Antonescu,E. et al. Contributions to the knowledge of the stratigraphy and tectonics of the Singeorz Bain Lunca Ilvei Region. 1980
details Early Eocene Middle Oligocene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Gocht,H. Form-Associations of Lower Tertiary microplankton from a Boring in the oil Field of Meckelfeld near Hamburg 1969
details Campanian Maastrichtian Senegal Jain,K.P. et al. Cretaceous microplankton from Senegal Basin, West Africa. Part 2. Systematics and biostratigraphy. 1975
details Early Rupelian Late Rupelian Romania Antonescu,E. et al. Contributions to the knowledge of the stratigraphy and the tectonics of the Singeorz Bai-Lunca Ilvei Region 1978
details Middle Oligocene Late Oligocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Benedek,P.N. Phytoplanktons from the Middle and Upper Oligocene of Tonisberg, (Lower Rhine area). 1972
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene Poland Grabowska,I. Stratigraphy of Palaeogene sediments in the Polish Lowlands in the light of research on microflora. 1974
details Danian India(Assam) Jain,K.P. et al. Fossil dinoflagellates across Maestrichtian-Danian boundary in Lower Assam, India. 1975
details Santonian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Grigorovich,A.S. Microphytoplankton of the Cretaceous-Paleogene deposits of the northern slopes of the Ukrainian Carpathians. 1971
details Eocene Germany Benedek,P.N. Results of phytoplankton investigations of the Northwest German Tertiary. (In: Northwest Germany during the Tertiary. H.Tobien, editor) 1986
details Cretaceous Poland Lefeld,J. et al. Cretaceous microorganisms; dinoflagellate, Hystrichosphaeridea 1970
details Nd Nd Downie,C. et al. Bibliography and index of fossil dinoflagellates and acritarchs. 1965
details Maastrichtian Poland Gгrka,H. Coccolithophorids, dinoflagellates, hystrichosphaerids and incertae sedis microfossils of the Upper Cretaceous of Poland. 1963
original Campanian Poland Gгrka,H. Coccolithophorids, dinoflagellates, hystrichosphaerids and incertae sedis microfossils of the Upper Cretaceous of Poland. 1963
details Astartian Poland Gгrka,H. Microfossils from the Upper Jurassic of Magnuszew (Poland). 1965
details Ypresian Belgium De Coninck,J. Dinophyceae and acritarcha from the Ypresian of the Kallo Boring. 1969
details Oxfordian Poland Riley,L.A. et al. Survey of the stratigraphical distribution of dinoflagellates, acritarchs and tasmanitids in the Jurassic. 1972
details Campanian Nd Fensome,R.A. et al. Acritarchs and Fossil Prasinophytes: An index to genera, species and infraspecific taxa. 1990