Chasmatosporites apertus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Norian Norway Smith,D.G. Stratigraphic significance of a palynoflora from ammonoid-bearing Early Norian strata in Svalbard. 1982
details Liassic Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. Rhaeto-Liassic palynostratigraphy of the Valhall Bore No.1, Scania. 1981
details Early Jurassic China(Kwangsi) Shang,Y.-K. Early Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblages in southwestern Hunan, northeastern Guangxi. 1981
details Middle Rhaetian Late Hettangian W.Germany(Bavaria) Achilles,H. Franconian Rhaetian and Liassic microflora. 1981
details Late Triassic Late Jurassic China(Shansi) Liu,Z.-S. et al. Triassic and Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblages from some localities of Shaanxi and Gansu, North-West China. 1981
details Late Triassic Late Jurassic China(Kansu) Liu,Z.-S. et al. Triassic and Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblages from some localities of Shaanxi and Gansu, North-West China. 1981
details Late Triassic China(Hunan) Gu,Z.-W. et al. Geologic age of the Jurassic-Triassic formation in southwestern Hunan, China. 1981
details Hettangian Aalenian France(Tarn) Boutet,C. Palynoplanktonic study of the Triassic and Lower and Middle Jurassic of Gresigne-South Quercy 1981
details Hettangian Aalenian France(Tarn-et-Garonne) Boutet,C. Palynoplanktonic study of the Triassic and Lower and Middle Jurassic of Gresigne-South Quercy 1981
details Hettangian Bulgaria Chernyavska,S. Early Jurassic palynology in Bulgaria. 1980
details Norian Rhaetian Europe Fisher,M.J. et al. Palynology and the Triassic/Jurassic boundary. 1980
details Early Jurassic China(Hunan) Qian,L. et al. The sporo-pollen assemblages from the Mesozoic coal-bearing strata of Hunan and Jiangxi. 1980
details Early Jurassic China(Kiangsu) Qian,L. et al. The sporo-pollen assemblages from the Mesozoic coal-bearing strata of Hunan and Jiangxi. 1980
details Late Triassic Middle Jurassic China(Hupei) Li,W.-B. et al. Sporo-pollen assemblages from the Mesozoic Coal Series of western Hubei. 1980
details Late Jurassic China(Shantung) Li,W.-B. et al. Jurassic spora-pollen assemblage from Yanshou, southwestern Shandong. (In: Papers for the 5th International Palynological Conference.) 1980
details Norian Rhaetian China(Tibet) Shang,Y.-K. Late Triassic pollen and spores from Xizang (Tibet) China. (In: Papers for the 5th International Palynological Conference.) 1980
details Rhaetian Hettangian Greenland Pedersen,K.R. et al. Palynology of the plant-bearing Rhaetian to Hettangian Kap Steward Formation, Scoresby Sund, East Greenlad. 1980