Podocarpidites ellipticus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Middle Jurassic Men©ndez,C.A. Palynological record of Pre-Tertiary floras of Argentina. 1968
details Middle Triassic China(Sinkiang Uighur) Qu,L. et al. Triassic sporo-pollen assemblages. (In: Permian and Triassic Strata and Fossil Assemblages in the Dalongkou Area of Jimsar, Xinjiang. J. Yang et al, editors) 1986
details Barremian Aptian Argentina(Santa Cruz) Archangelsky,S. et al. Spore and pollen types of the Lower Cretaceous in Patagonia (Argentina). 1967
details Early Bajocian Volkheimer,W. Spores and pollen of the Jurassic of Neuqu©n, (Republic of Argentina). 2. Microfloral associations, paleoecological aspects and paleoclimate. 1969
details Campanian Oklahoma Morgan,R. Palynology of the Ozan Formation (Cretaceous) Mccurtin County, Oklahoma 1967
details Paleocene Australia(Tasmania) Cookson,I.C. et al. Some Early Tertiary microplankton and pollen grains from a deposit near Strahan, Western Tasmania. 1967
details Rhaetian Australia(Queensland) de Jersey,N.J. Early Jurassic miospores from the Helidon Sandstone. 1971
details Bajocian Bathonian Sweden Guy-Ohlson,D. Palynological investigations in the Middle Jurassic of the Vilhelmsfalt Boring, Southern Sweden. 1971
details Middle Albian Late Albian Canada(Alberta) Singh,C. Lower Cretaceous microfloras of the Peace River area, Northwestern Alberta. 1971
details Late Barremian Early Aptian Canada(Alberta) Burden,E.T. et al. Illustrated key to genera of Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs, (excluding megaspores), of Western Canada. (Stratigraphic ranges and sample locations taken from E.T.Burden,1982 - Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation, northeastern Alberta, Unpub.Phd Thesis) 1989
details Berriasian Albian North America Burden,E.T. et al. Illustrated key to genera of Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs, (excluding megaspores), of Western Canada. (Stratigraphic ranges and sample locations taken from E.T.Burden,1982 - Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation, northeastern Alberta, Unpub.Phd Thesis) 1989
details Recent Antarctica Kemp,E.M. Reworked palynomorphs from the West Ice Shelf area, East Antarctica, and their possible geological and palaeoclimaological significance 1972
details Miocene India(Tripura) Salujha,S.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Well Baramura-2, Tripura (India). 1990
details Kaiatan New Zealand(N.I.) Fowke,N.C. et al. A newly discovered occurrence of Lower Waikato Coal Measures. 1984
details Late Neogene Australia(Victoria) Harris,W.K. Tertiary stratigraphic palynology, Otway Basin. 1971
details Late Eocene Australia(Victoria) Harris,W.K. Tertiary stratigraphic palynology, Otway Basin. 1971
details Middle Paleocene Australia Harris,W.K. Tertiary stratigraphic palynology, Otway Basin. 1971