Podocarpidites ellipticus

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Jurassic Middle Jurassic India(Madhya Pradesh) Bharadwaj,D.C. et al. Palynostraigraphy of Parsapani Coals, Madhya Pradesh, India. 1974
details Late Jurassic India(Madhya Pradesh) Bharadwaj,P. et al. Palynostratigraphy of coal deposits in Jabalpur Stage, Upper Gondwana, India. 1972
details Early Pliocene Australia(W.Australia) Bint,A.N. An Early Pliocene pollen assemblage from Lake Tay, South-Western Australia, and its phytogeographic implications 1981
details Early Cretaceous India(Andhra Pradesh) Bose,M.N. et al. Plant fossils from the Gangapur Formation 1983
details Piripauan New Zealand(S.I.) Bowen,F.E. Ohai Coalfield, Southland. (In: The Geology of New Zealand. R.P.Suggate et al, editors) 1978
details Albian Canada(Alberta) Brideaux,W.W. Palynology of the Lower Colorado Group (Late Lower Cretaceous) and its lithological equivalents in central and west-central Alberta, Canada. 1968
details Early Albian Middle Albian Canada(British Columbia) Broatch,J. Palynological zonation and correlation of the Peace River Coalfield northeastern British Columbia: An update. 1986
details Late Barremian Early Aptian Canada(Alberta) Burden,E.T. et al. Illustrated key to genera of Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs, (excluding megaspores), of Western Canada. (Stratigraphic ranges and sample locations taken from E.T.Burden,1982 - Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation, northeastern Alberta, Unpub.Phd Thesis) 1989
details Berriasian Albian North America Burden,E.T. et al. Illustrated key to genera of Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs, (excluding megaspores), of Western Canada. (Stratigraphic ranges and sample locations taken from E.T.Burden,1982 - Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorph biostratigraphy of the McMurray Formation, northeastern Alberta, Unpub.Phd Thesis) 1989
details Aptian Albian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Palynological studies in the Lower Cretaceous of the Surat Basin, Australia. 1980
details Jurassic Albian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Palynological examination of Late Mesozoic sediments in GSQ Hughenden 7, and notes on geological events in the northern Eromanga Basin. 1982
details Late Kimmeridgian Middle Albian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Early Cretaceous environements in the Eromanga Basin; palynological evidence from GSQ Wyandra-1 corehole. (In: Palynological and Palaeobotanical Studies in Honour of Basil E. Balme. P.A. Jell and G. Playford, editors) 1988
details Kimmeridgian Valanginian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Stratigraphy, palynology and palaeoenvironments of the Hooray Sandstone, Eastern Eromanga Basin, Queensland and New South Wales. 1989
details Kimmeridgian Valanginian Australia(NSW) Burger,D. Stratigraphy, palynology and palaeoenvironments of the Hooray Sandstone, Eastern Eromanga Basin, Queensland and New South Wales. 1989
details Kimmeridgian Valanginian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Stratigraphy, palynology and palaeoenvironments of the Hooray Sandstone, Eastern Eromanga Basin, Queensland and New South Wales. 1989
details Valanginian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Stratigraphy, palynology and palaeoenvironments of the Hooray Sandstone, Eastern Eromanga Basin, Queensland and New South Wales. 1989
details Tithonian Aptian Australia(Queensland) Burger,D. Spore zonation and sedimentary history of the Neocomian, Great Artesian Basin, Queensland. (In: Mesozoic and Cainozoic palynology;Essays in honour of Isabel Cookson. J.E.Glover et al, editor) 1973