Cicatricosisporites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Maastrichtian Paleocene Canada(NWT,Franklin) Rahmani,R.A. et al. Geological and palynological interpretation of Eureka Sound Formation on Sabine Peninsula, northern Melville Island, District of Franklin. 1977
details Oxfordian Barremian Canada(NWT,Franklin) Dolby,G. et al. The micropalaeontology, palynology and stratigraphy of the Panarctic Dome, Tenneco et al.Louise 0-25 Well. 1977
details Eocene Italy(Sardinia) Pittau Demelia,P. Palynological investigation of the Lower Tertiary Sardinia Coal Layers. 1977
details Oligocene England(Devonshire) Boulter,M.C. et al. A system of group names for some Tertiary pollen. 1977
details Oligocene S.Ireland(Tipperary) Boulter,M.C. et al. A system of group names for some Tertiary pollen. 1977
details Oligocene England(Cornwall) Boulter,M.C. et al. A system of group names for some Tertiary pollen. 1977
details Albian Canada(Yukon) Norris,D.K. et al. The Goelogy of the Bonnet Plume Basin, Yukon Territory 1977
details Wealden Netherlands Srivastava,S.K. Cretaceous spore-pollen floras 1978
details Late Malm Netherlands Srivastava,S.K. Cretaceous spore-pollen floras 1978
details Early Purbeckian Nd Srivastava,S.K. Cretaceous spore-pollen floras 1978
details Turonian Coniacian Angola Morgan,R. Albian to Senonian palynology of Site 364, Angola Basin. 1978
details Valanginian Hauterivian Spitsbergen Bjaerke,T. Mesozoic palynology of Svalbard. III. 1978
details Albian Canada(NWT) Dolby,G. et al. The micropalaeontology, palynology and stratigraphy of the Panarctic et al.Chadis Creek B-64 Well. 1978
details Middle Albian Late Albian W.Germany(N.Rhine) Grebe,H. Tricolpate pollen grains from a Cretaceous joint filling in the Devonian Massenkalk in the eastern Sauerland, Nortrine-Westphalia, Federal Republic of Germany. 1978
details Middle Eocene Wyoming Love,J.D. et al. Eocene Rocks, fossils and geologic history, Teton Range, Northwestern Wyoming. 1978
details Paleocene India(Kutch) Saxena,R.K. Palynology of the Matanomadh Formation in type area, northwestern Kutch, India. Part 1: Systematic description of Teridophytic spores. 1978
details Sarmatian Romania Nicorici,E. et al. Contributions to the knowledge of the Neogene from the Alesd-Sabolciu section (Valdului Basin, northeast Roumaia). 1978