
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Middle Eocene USSR(European) Kuznetsova,T.A. Pollen and spores from Eocene deposits of the Middle Course of the Volga River. 1966
details Tertiary W.Germany(N.Rhine) Jux,U. On the Rhenish Tertiary peat in comparison with today's formations on the American east coast. 1966
details Late Pliocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Shatilova,I.I. Spore-pollen analysis of the Kuyal'nikian of Abkhazia. 1966
details Early Miocene Poland Raniecka-Bobrowska,J. A picture of the Lower Miocene flora of SW Poland. 1966
details Tortonian Helvetian France(Ain) Latreille,G. et al. Sedimentology and palynology of a Borehole through the Upper Tertiary of Amberieu-en-Bugey (Ain) 1966
details Late Oligocene Miocene Poland Ziembinska,M. et al. Stratigraphy and correlation of Brown Coal Beds in the Scinawa deposit on the basis of spore-pollen analysis. 1966
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene Japan(Ishikawa Pref.) Fuji,N. Fossil pollen grains and spores from the Neogene Tertiary Diatomaceous Mudstones in Noto Peninsula, Central Japan 1966
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene USSR(Novosibirskaya) Andreeva,E.M. et al. Palaeopalynology. (Three Volumes: Volume I: Methods. Volume II: Complexes of palynomorphs of the Precambrian-Holocene of the USSR. Volume III: Figures and Plates. Editor-I.M. Pokrovskaya) 1966
details Middle Wilcox Mississippi Warter,J.L.K. Palynology of a Lignite of Lower Eocene (Wilcox) age from Kemper County, Mississippi, 1966
details Early Miocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Andreeva,E.M. et al. Palaeopalynology. (Three Volumes: Volume I: Methods. Volume II: Complexes of palynomorphs of the Precambrian-Holocene of the USSR. Volume III: Figures and Plates. Editor-I.M. Pokrovskaya) 1966
details Early Miocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Andreeva,E.M. et al. Palaeopalynology. (Three Volumes: Volume I: Methods. Volume II: Complexes of palynomorphs of the Precambrian-Holocene of the USSR. Volume III: Figures and Plates. Editor-I.M. Pokrovskaya) 1966
details Early Miocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Andreeva,E.M. et al. Palaeopalynology. (Three Volumes: Volume I: Methods. Volume II: Complexes of palynomorphs of the Precambrian-Holocene of the USSR. Volume III: Figures and Plates. Editor-I.M. Pokrovskaya) 1966
details Early Miocene USSR(Azerbaijan SSR) Andreeva,E.M. et al. Palaeopalynology. (Three Volumes: Volume I: Methods. Volume II: Complexes of palynomorphs of the Precambrian-Holocene of the USSR. Volume III: Figures and Plates. Editor-I.M. Pokrovskaya) 1966
details Late Tertiary Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. Micropaleobotanic elaboration of Tertiary sediments in the area of Inner-Carpathian Basins in Slovakia. 1966
details Messinian Italy Bertolani-Marchetti,D. et al. Palynological researches about sediments in Messianian "Formazione Gessoso-Solfitera" in Emilia and Sicily. 1966
details Early Miocene Japan(Honshu I.) Takahashi,N. A palynological study of coal fields in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan No.3. 1966
details Middle Pliocene Late Pliocene Japan(Honshu I.) Takahashi,N. A palynological study of coal fields in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan No.3. 1966