Clavatipollenites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Barremian Early Albian China(Shansi) Yu,J. The study of Early Cretaceous angiospermous pollen in northern China. 1990
details Aptian Albian Volkheimer,W. et al. Palynological characteristics of the Upper Juarssic and Lower Cretaceous Formations of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argenine Republic). 1976
details Albian Volkheimer,W. et al. Palynological characteristics of the Upper Juarssic and Lower Cretaceous Formations of the Neuqu©n Basin, (Argenine Republic). 1976
details Barremian Late Albian Delaware Doyle,J.A. Patterns of evolution in early angiosperms. (In:Patterns of evolution, as illustrated by the fossil record. A.Hallam, editor) 1977
details Aptian Volkheimer,W. et al. Palynological study of the Huitrin Formation, Cretaceous of the Neuqu©n Basin, and its type locality. 1976
details Albian Volkheimer,W. et al. Stratigraphic significance of Paleozoic and Mesozoic microflora from Argentina and neighboring countries. 1976
details Late Barremian Aptian Arnaud-Vanneau,A. et al. Barremian - Aptian palynoflora of the Urgonian Platform of Vercors. Palynostratigraphy of some forms of Classopollis and one angiosperm pollen. 1977
details Early Barremian Middle Cenomanian Atlantic Ocean Habib,D. Comparison of Lower and Middle Cretaceous palynostratigraphic zonations in the Western North Atlantic. (In: Stratigraphic Micropaleontology of Atlantic Basin and Borderlands. F.M.Swain, editor) 1977
details Late Cretaceous Japan(Hokkaido I.) Miki,A. Late Cretaceous pollen and spore floras of northern Japan composition and interpretation. 1977
details Albian Cenomanian India(Rajasthan) Lukose,N.G. Palynology of the subsurface sediments of Manhera tibba structure, Jaisalmer, western Rajasthan, India. 1974
details Late Albian Cenomanian Australia(Queensland) Playford,G. et al. A Middle Cretaceous microfossil assemblage from the Great Artesian Basin, Northwestern Queensland. 1975
details Late Albian Late Cenomanian Virginia Robbins,E.I. et al. Palynological and stratigraphic investigations of four deep wells in the Salisbury Embayment of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. 1975
details Early Neocomian Late Neocomian Virginia Robbins,E.I. et al. Palynological and stratigraphic investigations of four deep wells in the Salisbury Embayment of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. 1975
details Albian Volkheimer,W. Fossil microfloras. 1978
details Early Barremian Late Albian Atlantic Ocean Habib,D. Palynostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous section at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 391, Blake-Bahama Basin, and its correlation in the North Atlantic. 1978
details Late Barremian Early Albian China(Sinkiang Uighur) Yu,J. The study of Early Cretaceous angiospermous pollen in northern China. 1990
details Late Barremian Early Albian China(Kansu) Yu,J. The study of Early Cretaceous angiospermous pollen in northern China. 1990