Cupuliferoipollenites oviformis

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Oligocene Early Miocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der et al. Pollen flora and phytoplancton in the Cologne Layers and their lithostratigraphy in the Siegburg Graben. 1981
details Miocene Late Neogene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der et al. "Sequoia" and Sciadopitys in Brown Coal swamps of the Lower Rhine Basin 1981
details Eocene Late Neogene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Brelie,G.Von Der et al. On the petrography and the pollen analysis of Bright and Dark Layers in the Rhenish main Lignite Seam 1981
details Early Tertiary Pacific(S.China Sea) Anonymous The Tertiary system of the Continental Shelf in the northern area of the South China Sea 1981
details Early Tertiary Pacific(S.China Sea) Anonymous The Tertiary system of the Continental Shelf in the northern area of the South China Sea 1981
details Thanetian France(Puy-de-Dome) Kedves,M. et al. Palynology of the Thanetian Layers of Menat. The geology of the Menat Basin, France. 1982
details Oligocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Takahashi,K. et al. Paleogene sporomorphs of the Bergish Area, (West Germany). 1982
details Oligocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Takahashi,K. et al. Paleogene sporomorphs of the Bergish Area, (West Germany). 1982
details Miocene China(Tibet) Song,Z.-C. et al. The Tertiary sporo-pollen assemblages from Namling of Xizang. 1982
details Cretaceous Late Tertiary Nd Kedves,M. Studies on the pollen grains of recent Castaneoideae.I. 1982
details Late Burdigalian Early Tortonian Greece Benda,L. et al. Biostraigraphic correlations in the eastern Mediterranean Neogen 6. Correlation between sporomorph marine microfossil and mammal associations from some Miocene sections of the Ionian Islands and Crete, (Greece). 1982
details Late Serravallian Early Tortonian Greece(Crete) Benda,L. et al. Biostraigraphic correlations in the eastern Mediterranean Neogen 6. Correlation between sporomorph marine microfossil and mammal associations from some Miocene sections of the Ionian Islands and Crete, (Greece). 1982
details Late Eocene Czechoslovakia SnopkovŠŽ,P. et al. Periporopollenites komjatensis: A new Upper Eocene species from Oravska Urchovina Mountains. 1982
details Early Thanetian Early Cuisian Austria Kedves,M. Palynological investigations on Austrian Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary sediments. 1983
details Miocene Late Neogene China Chen,L. et al. Cenozoic spore-pollen. (In: Palaeontological Atlas of Southwest China, Volume of Microfossils. Edited by Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources.) 1983
details Priabonian Early Oligocene Czechoslovakia(Morovia) Petercakova,M. et al. Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene sporomorphs of the Oravska Vrchovina highland 1983
details Priabonian Early Oligocene Czechoslovakia(Morovia) Petercakova,M. et al. Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene sporomorphs of the Oravska Vrchovina highland 1983