Tricolporopollenites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Cenomanian Eocene Virginia Robbins,E.I. et al. Palynological and stratigraphic investigations of four deep wells in the Salisbury Embayment of the Atlantic Coastal Plain. 1975
details Late Cenomanian Canada(Alberta) Singh,C. Stratigraphic significance of Early angiosperm pollen in the Mid-Cretaceous strata of Alberta. 1975
details Eocene Canada(Yukon) Hopkins,W.S. et al. Some coalbearing Eocene Sediments and comments on their combined microflora Cliff Creek, Yukon Territory. 1975
details Nd Canada(NWT,Franklin) Jackson,G.D. et al. Bylot Island Map-Area, District of Franklin. 1975
details Eocene Tennessee Potter,F.W. Investigations of angiosperms from the Eocene of southeastern North America pollen assemblages from Miller Pit, Henry County, Tenessee. 1975
details Late Cretaceous China(Kirin) Thodri Late Cretaceous pollen and spore assemblage of the Chung Yun Basin in Jilin (Kirin), and Heilongjiang (Heilungkiang) Provinces. 1976
details Late Cretaceous China(Heilungkiang) Thodri Late Cretaceous pollen and spore assemblage of the Chung Yun Basin in Jilin (Kirin), and Heilongjiang (Heilungkiang) Provinces. 1976
details Cretaceous Eocene China(Peking) Kong,Z.-C. et al. Vegetational and climatic changes in Peking during the past one hundred years. 1976
original Early Cenomanian USA(Atlantic Coast.Pl.) Doyle,J.A. Fossil evidence on the early adaptive radiation of angiosperms. (In: Evolutionary Biology. Proceedings of the International Conference, Liblice,1975. V.J.A.Novak and B.Pacltova, editors) 1976
details Late Eocene USSR(Yamalo-Nenets) Lyubomirova,K.A. The palynological characteristics of the Chegansk horizon of North West Siberia. (In: Palynological Studies. Collected Articles. S.R.Samoilovich, editor) 1976
details Early Eocene Middle Eocene USSR(Rostov) Mikhelis,A.A. Characteristic of pollen and spores and separation of Paleogene sections of the Azov Massive 1976
details Early Tertiary USSR(Yakut ASSR) Fradkina,A.F. et al. Paleogene spore-pollen complexes of Western Yakutija. (In: Contributions to Paleophytology of Siberia. A.F.Khlonova, editor) 1976
details Late Tertiary Czechoslovakia KonzalovЎ,M. Paleobotany and stratigraphy of important sporomorphs of the Upper Tertiary in Northwest Czechoslovakia 1976
details Late Tertiary Czechoslovakia KonzalovЎ,M. Paleobotany and stratigraphy of important sporomorphs of the Upper Tertiary in Northwest Czechoslovakia 1976
details Late Tertiary Czechoslovakia KonzalovЎ,M. Paleobotany and stratigraphy of important sporomorphs of the Upper Tertiary in Northwest Czechoslovakia 1976
details Turonian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Petrosyants,M.A. Spore and pollen assemblages of marine and Continental deposits of the Turonian in northern Priaralsk. 1976
details Eocene USSR(Far East) Brattseva,G.M. Pollen of a new form genus, Buravicolpites, from the Eocene of the Far East. 1976