Tricolporopollenites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Maastrichtian Eocene Nigeria Salami,M.B. Palynological evidence of paleoenvironment of the Araromi Shale of southwestern Nigeria. 1983
details Albian Late Cretaceous China(Manchuria) Yu,J. et al. Cretaceous palynological assemblages from the District South of the Songhua River. 1983
details Late Maastrichtian Romania Antonescu,E. et al. Palynological correlation of the Late Cretaceous of southeast Monts Metaliferi and the Hatey Depressions and Rusa Montana 1983
original Late Priabonian Early Oligocene Czechoslovakia(Morovia) Petercakova,M. et al. Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene sporomorphs of the Oravska Vrchovina highland 1983
original Late Miocene Greece Jarrige,J.J. et al. Stratigraphy, palynology and evolution of the Neogene and Quaternary sedimentary Basins on the Isle Kos (Dodecanese, Greece). 1983
original Late Cretaceous Caribbean Radocz,G. et al. Carbonaceous indications in the Upper Cretaceous Molasse of eastern Cuba. (In: Contributions of the Geology of Eastern Cuba.) 1983
details Middle Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Fradkina,A.F. The geological sections and their palynological characteristics. (In: Palynoflora of the Neogene of Northeast Asia. (Yakut, Priokhotsk, Chukotka, Kamchatka. A.F.Fradkina) 1983
details Early Eocene China(Kwangtung) Li,M.-Y. Pollen and spore assemblages from Lower Tertiary of Nanxiang Basin, Guangdong. 1983
details Early Oligocene England(Isle of Wight) Collinson,M.E. Palaeofloristic assemblages and palaeoecology of the Lower Oligocene Bembridge Marls, Hamstead Ledge, Isle of Wight 1983
details Maastrichtian Early Eocene Nigeria Salami,M.B. Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary palynofacies of Southwestern Nigeria 1984
details Middle Miocene Late Miocene India(Himachal Pradesh) Singh,H.P. et al. Palynological investigations of Ramshahr Well 1, Himachal Pradesh, India. 1984
details Maastrichtian Egypt Schrank,E. Organic-geochemical and palynological studies of a Dakhla Shale Profile, (Late Cretacous), in Southeast Egypt. Part A. Succession of microfloras and depositional environment. 1984
details Late Oligocene W.Germany(Bavaria) Kirchner,M. The Upper Oligocene microflora of the Southern Bavarian Pitch Coal Mine District 1984
details Cenozoic China(Kirin) Sun,J.-Z. et al. Chronological study of the Cenozoic Volcanic rocks of Julin. 1984
details Chattian Aquitanian USSR(Magadan Oblast) Laukhin,S.A. et al. Palynologic comparison of climatic Pessima at the Eocene - Oligocene and the Oligocene - Miocene boundaries in Northeastern Asia. 1984
details Maastrichtian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Komarova,N.I. et al. Maestrichian palynological type-complexes of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. (In: Spores and pollen of Phanerozoic deposits. L.A. Panova et al, editors) 1984
original Early Pliocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Mohr,B.A.R. The microflora of the Upper Miocene - Lower Pliocene overlying beds of the Rhenish Brown Coal. 1984