Tricolporopollenites sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Tertiary Pacific(S.China Sea) Anonymous The Tertiary system of the Continental Shelf in the northern area of the South China Sea 1981
details Middle Cretaceous China(Kiangsi) Han,X.-P. et al. Middle Cretaceous sporo-pollen assemblage of Huichang Basin, Jiangxi Province. 1981
details Eocene Pakistan Rasul,S.M. Dinoflagellates and pollen from Eocene of Pakistan. 1981
details Neocomian Paleocene USSR(Far East) Boytsova,E.P. et al. Development of Coal Forming angiosperms from the Asian Part of the USSR, (on palynological data). (In: Life on Ancient Continents: Its Establishment and Expansion.) 1981
details Santonian Nigeria Mebradu,S. Stratigraphic palynology of Obi, (Lafia), Plateau State of Nigeria. 1982
details Early Tertiary China(Sinkiang Uighur) Zhao,Y. et al. Tertiary sporopollen assemblages from Shache and Kuche Basin, Xinjiang. 1982
details Barremian Aptian China(Heilungkiang) Gao,R.-Q. Evolutionary trends of Cretaceous angiospermous pollen from the Songliao Basin, northeast China. 1982
details Albian Danian China(Heilungkiang) Gao,R.-Q. Evolutionary trends of Cretaceous angiospermous pollen from the Songliao Basin, northeast China. 1982
details Karpathian Sarmatian Hungary Nagy,E. et al. Miocene palynomorphs from the Borehold Tengelic 2. 1982
details Paleocene China(Kwangtung) Sun,M. et al. The Paleocene palynological assemblages from Nanxiong Basin, Guangdong. 1982
details Paleocene China(Kwangtung) Sun,M. et al. The Paleocene palynological assemblages from Nanxiong Basin, Guangdong. 1982
details Maastrichtian Mexico(Coahuila) Mart­nez-HernЎndez,E. et al. Palynological study for the determination of the environment of the Fuentes-Rio Escondido Basin (Upper Cretaceous), Piedras Negras Region, Coahuila. 1982
details Early Eocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Baskakova,L.A. Phytostratigraphy dismembering of the Paleogene deposits of the South-West of Primorski Kray 1982
details Late Eocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Baskakova,L.A. Phytostratigraphy dismembering of the Paleogene deposits of the South-West of Primorski Kray 1982
details Pannonian Hungary Sмto-Szentai,M. Organic microplanktonic and sporomorphous remains from the Pannonian from the borehole Tenegelic 2. 1982
details Early Miocene Czech Republic PacltovЎ,B. Organically preserved microfossils as Indictors of the paleoenvironment. 1982
details Cenozoic Argentina(Tierra) Ludwig,W.J. et al. Leg 71 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel Glomar Challenger, Valparaiso, Chili, to Santos, Brazil,1980.Sites 511 and 512. 1983