Druggidium rhabdoreticulatum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Barremian Aptian Australia(Victoria) Backhouse,J. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous palynology of the Perth Basin, Western Australia 1988
details Late Berriasian New Guinea(Papua) Davey,R.J. Palynological zonation of the Lower Cretaceous, Upper and Uppermost Middle Jurassic in the northwestern Papuan Basin of Papua, New Guinea. 1988
details Neocomian New Zealand(S.I.) Wilson,G.J. et al. Early Cretaceous dinoflagellate assemblages from Torlesse rocks near Ethelton, North Canterbury. 1988
details Late Hauterivian Aptian Atlantic Ocean Masure,E. Berriasian to Aptian dinoflagellate cysts from the Galicia Margin, offshore Spain, Sites 638 and 639, ODP Leg 103. 1988
details Late Hauterivian Spain Leereveld,H. et al. Stratigraphic evaluation of spore-pollen assemblages from the Lower Creatceous of the Alpine Mediterranean Realm 1989
details Late Barremian France(Pyrenees,Orient.) Leereveld,H. et al. Stratigraphic evaluation of spore-pollen assemblages from the Lower Creatceous of the Alpine Mediterranean Realm 1989
details Nd Nd Lentin,J.K. et al. Fossil dinoflagellates: index to genera and species, 1989 edition. 1989
details Late Hauterivian Atlantic Ocean Iosifova,Y.I. Phytoplankton from the Early Cretaceous deposits of the North Atlantic (Well 39I from the Gluyuoko-Vodnogo Drilling). (In: Paleoflora and Stratigraphy of the Phanerozoic. M.A.Akhmetev, editor) 1989
details Late Hauterivian Barremian W.Germany(Niedersachsen) PrŠ¶ssl,K.F. Dinoflagellates of the Cretaceous, (Early Hauterivian to Late Turonian), in the Niedersachsen Basin. Stratigraphy and facies changes of the Konrad 101 borehole, as well as several other boreholes from northwest Germany. 1990
details Middle Hauterivian Late Hauterivian Atlantic Ocean Gradstein,F.M. et al. Probabilistic zonation of Early Cretaceous microfossil sequences, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, with special referencee to Leg 123. 1992
details Middle Hauterivian Late Hauterivian Indian Ocean Gradstein,F.M. et al. Probabilistic zonation of Early Cretaceous microfossil sequences, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, with special referencee to Leg 123. 1992
details Early Cretaceous Nd Gradstein,F.M. et al. Optimum microfossil sequences and cyclic sediment patterns in Early Cretaceous pelagic strata. 1993
details Jurassic Aptian Atlantic Ocean Ogg,G. Dinoflagellate cysts of the Early Cretaceous North Atlantic Ocean 1994
details Hauterivian Barremian Spain Hoedemaeker,P.J. et al. Biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy of the Berriasian - Lowest Aptian, (Lower Cretaceous) of the Rio Argos succession, Caravaea, southeast Spain. 1995
details Nd Nd Stover,L.E. et al. Mesozoic-Tertiary dinoflagellates, acritarchs and Prasinophytes. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996
details Hauterivian Barremian Spain Leereveld,H. Hauterivian - Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the western Mediterranean. 1997
details Hauterivian Barremian France(Alpes,Cote d'Azur) Leereveld,H. Hauterivian - Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the western Mediterranean. 1997