Lophozonotriletes sp.1

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
original Devonian Oklahoma Urban,J.B. Microfossils of the Woodford Shale (Devonian) of Oklahoma. 1960
original Early Triassic China(Sinkiang Uighur) Qu,L. et al. Triassic sporo-pollen assemblages. (In: Permian and Triassic Strata and Fossil Assemblages in the Dalongkou Area of Jimsar, Xinjiang. J. Yang et al, editors) 1986
original Middle Devonian Arabian Pen.States Al-Laboun,A.A. et al. The Devonian of the Arabian Peninsula. (In: Devonian of the World: Regional Synthesis. N.J.McMillian et al, editors) 1988