Tricolpopollenites weylandii

Citations total:
Author - title
original Early Tertiary Miocene Japan(Kyushu I.) Takahashi,K. Pollen and spores of Western Japanese Lower Tertiary and Miocene. Part 2 1961
original Late Oligocene Japan(Kyushu I.) Takahashi,K. Pollen and spores of Western Japanese Lower Tertiary and Miocene. Part 1 1961
original Late Eocene Early Oligocene Japan(Kyushu I.) Takahashi,K. Pollen and spores of Western Japanese Lower Tertiary and Miocene. Part 1 1961
original Early Eocene Japan(Kyushu I.) Takahashi,K. Pollen and spores of Western Japanese Lower Tertiary and Miocene. Part 1 1961
details Early Oligocene Japan(Kyushu I.) Takahashi,N. Stratigraphic horizons of the So-Called Ideyama Layers in the Coalfield of Kokura. 1962
details Oligocene Japan(Nagasaki Pref.) Takahashi,K. Lower Tertiary pollen from Tsujazaki and their geological significance. 1962
details Eocene Japan(Kyushu I.) Tokunaga,S. et al. Pollen analyses of Coal Seams in the important Coal Field of Northwest Kyushu. 1965
details Oligocene Japan(Kyushu I.) Takahashi,K. Palynological stratigraphic study in Joban Coalfield 1962
details Early Eocene Japan(Undiff. Islands) Takahashi,K. Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleogene microfloras of Japan. 1967
details Late Tertiary Japan(Undiff. Islands) Takahashi,K. Microfossils from the Neogene deposits in the Islands of Okinawa, Kume, and Ogami. 1968
details Eocene Japan(Osaka Pref.) Takahashi,K. Pollen types from the Eocene coal seams of Ishizuchi 1962
details Early Miocene South Korea Paik,K.H. et al. The micropaleontological study of the Tertiary (Miocene) deposits of the Pohang area, Korea. 1979
details Miocene South Korea Takahashi,K. et al. Palynology of the Miocene formations in the Yeoungill Bay District, Korea. 1979