Lagenochitina sphaerocephala

Citations total:
Author - title
details Wenlockian France(Herault) Deflandre,G. Microfossils from the Silurian Limestones of Montagne Noire. 1944
details Wenlockian Nd Deflandre,G. Groups Incertae Sedis.Hystrichospheres. chitinozoans. 1952
details Silurian France(Herault) Deflandre,G. On the microfossils of the Silurian Limestones from Black Mountain, the chitinozoans (Eisenack) 1942
details Silurian Czechoslovakia Eisenack,A. New microfossils of the Baltic Silurian and new microfossils of the Bohemian Silurian.3. 1934
details Silurian Baltic Collinson,C. et al. North American Paleozoic Chitinozoa 1955
details Silurian France Collinson,C. et al. North American Paleozoic Chitinozoa 1955
details Silurian Romania Beju,D. et al. Silurian chitinozoans from the Moldavian Platform and the Moesic Platform 1962
details Silurian USSR(Siberia) Tesakov,Y.I. Key Beds of the Kureyka River Region. (In: Silur Sibirskoy Platformy;Opornyve Razezy Severo-Zapada Sibirskoy Platformy. B.S.Sokolov et al, editor) 1980
original Pridolian Baltic Sea Eisenack,A. New microfossils of the Baltic Silurian.2. 1932
details Pridolian Baltic Sea Eisenack,A. Chitinozoans, Hystrichospheres and other microfossils from the Beyrichia-Limestone. 1955
details Ordovician Czechoslovakia Collinson,C. et al. North American Paleozoic Chitinozoa 1955
details Nd Nd Grignani,D. et al. The chitinozoa from the Oum Doul 1 borehole, Morocco. 1964
details Middle Ordovician Finland Tynni,R. Ordovician hystrichospheres and chitinozoans in limestone from the Bothnian Sea. 1975
details Late Ludlovian E.Germany(Rostock) Eisenack,A. Chitinozoans, Hystrichospheres and other microfossils from the Beyrichia-Limestone. 1955
details Caradocian France(Finistere) Deunff,J. Planktonic microorganisms of the Breton Paleozoic. 1. The Ordovician of Veryhach (Crozon Peninsula). 1959