Lycospora sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Visean Zechstein Poland Gгrecka,T. et al. Results of palynological investigations of Permo-Carboniferous in the North East of Wroclaw. 1980
details Visean Zechstein Poland Gгrecka,T. et al. Results of palynological investigations of Permo-Carboniferous in the North East of Wroclaw. 1980
details Late Stephanian Zechstein Poland Gгrecka,T. et al. Results of palynological investigations of Permo-Carboniferous in the North East of Wroclaw. 1980
details Late Visean Namurian Algeria Attar,A. et al. Palynological study of Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous d'Illizi Basin (Fort Polignac), Algeria. 1980
details Late Siegenian USSR(Pre-Baltic) Arkhangelskaya,A.D. New data of the Lower Devonian palynology in the Western Regions of the USSR. 1980
details Late Permian Early Triassic Europe Klaus,W. Microfloristic events Towards Permo - Triassic Boundary. 1980
details Late Permian Early Triassic Greenland Klaus,W. Microfloristic events Towards Permo - Triassic Boundary. 1980
details Namurian Westphalian Poland Gгrecka,T. et al. Stratigraphy of Carboniferous deposits from the Koszalin IG-1 Borehole based on palynologic studies. 1980
details Namurian Westphalian Poland Gгrecka,T. et al. Stratigraphy of Carboniferous deposits from the Koszalin IG-1 Borehole based on palynologic studies. 1980
details Toarcian Poland Rogalska,M. et al. Lower Jurassic microflora. (In: Atlas Skamienialosci Przewodnich i Charakterystycznych. L.Malinowska, W.Bielecka and M.Rogalska, editors.Warsaw) 1980
details Carboniferous Saudi Arabia McClure,H.A. Permian-Carboniferous Glaciation in the Arabian Peninsula. 1980
details Late Permian Early Triassic Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. New data on the age of "Roznava Zeleznik" Group. 1980
details Nd Poland DybovЎ-Jachowiczowa,S. et al. Spore-pollen spectrum of Permian and Triassic rocks in the Piekoszow Syncline, Gory Swietokrzyskie Mountains. 1980
details Asbian Early Brigantian England(Northumberland) Gueinn,K.J. Miospore assemblages. (In: Geology of the Country around Bellingham: Memoir for 1 to 50,000 Geological Sheet 13: D.V.Frost and D.W.Holliday, editors) 1980
details Late Devonian Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. Results of a palynological study of the epimetamorphosed sedimentary rocks from the Veporide Crystalline complex in the West Carpathians 1980
details Late Carboniferous Ireland(Irish Sea) Wilkinson,I.P. et al. Offshore micropalaeontological biostratigraphy of southern and western Britain. 1980
details Visean Early Namurian China Zwan,C.J.Van Der et al. Palynology, phytogeography and climate of the Lower Carboniferous 1980