Apiculiretusispora pygmaea

Citations total:
Author - title
details Gedinnian Emsian Belgium Streel,M. et al. Stratigraphic studies of Lower Devonian spores from the Margin of the Dinant (Belgium) Synclinorium and their applications. 1981
details Siegenian Belgium Streel,M. et al. Stratigraphic studies of Lower Devonian spores from the Margin of the Dinant (Belgium) Synclinorium and their applications. 1981
details Emsian Eifelian Czechoslovakia Chibrikova,E.V. Lower-Middle Devonian boundary in Barrandian sequences on plant miospores. 1982
details Late Siegenian Early Emsian W.Germany(Rhineland) Moreau-Benoit,A. et al. Palynological datation the beds enclosing the plomb-zinc mineralization in the Weiss and Luderich Mines, (Lower Devonian, Bergishes Land, Rhine Schist Massif). 1985
details Late Siegenian Pragian France(Mayenne) Le H©riss©,A. Lower Devonian spores of the Laval Synclinorium (Massif Armoricain) 1983
details Middle Givetian Late Givetian Belgium Lessuise,A. et al. The plant beds of Niaster (Aywaille, France). With reference to new biostratigraphic limits of the Couvinien-Givetian. 1980
details Eifelian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Romanov,V.A. et al. On the age of the Volcanites of the Mugodzary Greenstone zone 1980
details Early Emsian W.Germany(Rhineland) Steemans,P. Microflora. (In: On individual fossils in the Klerf-Beds (Lower Emsian) at Waxzweiler (Eifel, G.D.R.), and its paleo-environment. W.Rebske, M.J.M.Bless, E.Paproth, and E.P.Steemans, En.Ph.) 1985
details Early Emsian W.Germany(Rhineland) Steemans,P. Microflora. (In: On individual fossils in the Klerf-Beds (Lower Emsian) at Waxzweiler (Eifel, G.D.R.), and its paleo-environment. W.Rebske, M.J.M.Bless, E.Paproth, and E.P.Steemans, En.Ph.) 1985
details Middle Devonian Colombia Prжssl,K.F. et al. The age of the Formation Amoya, Upper Magdalena Valley: Another Piece in the Paleozoic stratigraphic Puzzle of Colombia 1995