Siphonophycus kestron

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Vendian USSR(Siberia) German,T.N. Filimentous algae of the Vendian. (In: The Vendian System. Historic Geological and Paleontological Basis. Paleontology. B.S.Sokolov, editor) 1985
details Late Riphean USSR(Urals) Hofmann,H.J. Paleoscene #7 -Precambrian biostratigraphy 1987
details Early Riphean India(S.India) Nautiyal,A.C. Stratigraphic and palaeogeographic significance of microplanktons, cyanophycean algae and fungal remains in metallic ore-bearing Algonkian sediment. 1987
details Late Precambrian India(Uttar Pradesh) Shukla,M. et al. Late Precambrian microfossils form Deoban Limestone Formation, Lesser Himalaya, India 1987
details Middle Proterozoic China(Hupei) Zhang,P. Microfossils from the Middle Proterozoic in Kuancheng County, eastern Hebei, China 1987
details Late Precambrian India(Uttar Pradesh) Shukla,M. et al. Late Precambrian microfossils from Deoban Limestone Formation, Lesser Himalaya, India 1987
details Riphean USSR(Siberia) Veis,A.F. Riphean and Vendian microfossils of the Ushur-Maya and Turukhan Regions of Siberia 1988
details Vendian USSR(Siberia) Veis,A.F. Riphean and Vendian microfossils of the Ushur-Maya and Turukhan Regions of Siberia 1988
details Late Proterozoic Greenland Green,J.W. et al. Microfossils from silicified stromatolitic carbonates of the Upper Proterozoic Limestone-Dolomite series, Central East Greenland 1989
details Early Vendian India(Uttar Pradesh) Venkatachala,B.S. et al. Upper Proterozoic microfossils from the Infra Krol sediments, Nainital Synform, Kumaon Himalaya, India. (In: Proceeding of the Symposium on the Vistas in Indian Palaeobotany. K.P.Jain and R.S.Tiwari, editors) 1990
details Sinian North Korea Yin,L.-M. New data on Late Proterozoic microfossils in the northern Korea Peninsula 1990
details Jixian China(Peking) Zhou,X.-P. et al. Microflora and sedimentary environment of the Wumishan Formation (Jixian system) Ming Tombs Region, Beijing. 1991
details Early Riphean Canada(NWT,Franklin) Hofmann,H.J. et al. Shelf-facies microfossils from the Uluksan Group (Proterozoic Bylot Supergroup), Baffin Island, Canada. 1991
details Late Riphean Spitsbergen Knoll,A.H. et al. Paleobiology of a Neoproterozoic Tidal Flat/Lagoonal complex; The Draken Conglomerate Formation, Spitsbergen. 1991
details Early Riphean USSR(Yakut ASSR) Yakshin,M.S. Lower Riphean algal microbiota of the Kotuykan Formation in the Anabar Uplift 1991
details Vendian Kazakstan Sergeeva,V.N. Silicified microfossils in the Precambrian of the Urals and Kazakhstan and their biostratigraphy potential 1991
details Vendian Russia(Urals) Sergeeva,V.N. Silicified microfossils in the Precambrian of the Urals and Kazakhstan and their biostratigraphy potential 1991