Aceripollenites striatus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Late Eocene Middle Oligocene W.Germany(Rhineland) Nickel,B. Palynofacies and palynostratigraphy of the Pechelbronn Beds of the northern Upper Rhine Graben 1996
details Late Miocene W.Germany(Niedersachsen) Ashraf,A.R. et al. Palynology and palynostratigraphy of the Neogene of Lower Rhine Embayment. Part 2: Pollen. 1996
details Late Miocene Early Pliocene W.Germany(N.Rhine) Mohr,B.A.R. The microflora of the Upper Miocene - Lower Pliocene overlying beds of the Rhenish Brown Coal. 1984
details Early Eocene Late Pliocene W.Germany(Bavaria) Thiele-Pfeiffer,H. Miocene microflora from the Browncoal Mine Oder near Wackersdorf/Oberpfalz. 1979
details Miocene W.Germany(Bavaria) Thiele-Pfeiffer,H. Miocene microflora from the Browncoal open-cast Mine near Wackersdorf-Oberpfalz. 1980
details Late Oligocene W.Germany(Bavaria) Kirchner,M. The Upper Oligocene microflora of the Southern Bavarian Pitch Coal Mine District 1984
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene Poland Kohlman-Adamska,A. Pollen analysis of the Neogene deposits from the Wyrzysk Region, North-Western Poland 1993
details Middle Miocene Poland Ziembinska-Tworzydlo,M. et al. Checklist of selected genera and species of spores and pollen grains ordered in morphological system. (In: Neogene pollen flora of Central Europe. L. Stuchlik, editor) 1994
details Late Miocene Pacific(E.China Sea) Song,Z.-C. et al. A research on Cenozoic palynology of the Longjing structural area in the shelf basin of the East China Sea (Donghai) region. 1985
details Reuverian Germany(Rhineland) Ashraf,A.R. et al. Tertiary palynostratigraphy: How reproducible are the results? (In: Proceedings of the 4th European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference. G.W.Herngreen, editor) 1997
details Rupelian Germany(Rhineland) Pross,J. et al. Paleogene pollen and spores as a tool for quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions: The Rupelian (Oligocene) of central Europe. 2001
details Rupelian Germany(Rhineland) Pross,J. et al. Paleogene pollen and spores as a tool for quantitative paleoclimate reconstructions: The Rupelian (Oligocene) of central Europe. 2001
details Karpathian Sarmatian Czechoslovakia(Slovensko) Planderova,E. Miocene microflora of Slovak Central Paratethys and its biostratigraphic significance. 1990
details Karpathian Early Pannonian Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. Microfloristic changes during the Miocene in Central Paratethys Region. (In: Global Biological Events in Earth History. E.Knobloch and Z.Kvacek, editors) 1990
details Miocene Late Neogene China(Shantung) Liu,G.-W. A Late Tertiary palynological assemblage from the Yaoshan Formation Linju County, Shandong. 1986
details Cenomanian Oligocene China(S.China) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 1: The Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Spores and Pollen. 1999
details Cenomanian Oligocene China(N.China) Song,Z.-C. et al. Fossil Spores and Pollen of China. Volume 1: The Late Cretaceous and Tertiary Spores and Pollen. 1999