
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Neogene Pleistocene Ethiopia Bonnefille,R. Considerations upon the composition of a pollen microflora from the Plio-Pleistocene Formations of the Lower Omo River Valey, (Ethiopia) 1972
details Miocene Late Neogene India(Assam) Sah,S.C.D. et al. Palynological interpretations of palaeoenvironments with reference to India 1972
details Keuper Poland Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. Stratigraphy of Keuper deposits from Bore Hole Boza Wola on the basis of spore and pollen analysis 1972
details Oligocene Caribbean Graham,A. Some aspects of Tertiary vegetational history about the Caribbean Basin 1972
details Miocene Mexico Graham,A. Some aspects of Tertiary vegetational history about the Caribbean Basin 1972
details Middle Miocene Japan(Hokkaido I.) Sato,S. Palynological consideration on Tertiary marine sediments of Hokkaido, compared with animal faunas 1972
details Aquitanian France(Bouches-du-Rhone) Chўteauneuf,J.-J. Contribution to the study of the Aquitanian 1972
details Early Miocene Late Neogene Japan(Honshu I.) Shimazaki,T. Palynostratigraphy of petroleum producing area of Honshu (facing Japan Sea). 1972
details Valanginian Aptian Bulgaria Ercegovac,M. et al. Microfloral residues from the Lower Cretaceous of the Stara Planina Montains, Bulgaria. 1972
details Miocene USSR(Far East) Biske,S.F. et al. New data on the Miocene phytostratigraphy of the northern part of the Anadyr drainage basin and their paleogeographic intepretation. 1972
details Neogene Ukraine Mikhelis,A.A. The Neogene spore and pollen assemblages of the Donetz Basin 1972
details Middle Eocene Miocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Mikhelis,A.A. et al. Confirmation of the stratigraphic boundaries of the Paleogene Neogene deposits along the Northwestern edge of the Donets Basin, (from palynological data). 1973
details Late Albian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Kuvayeva,S.B. et al. Palynological characteristic of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of the mountain part of Crimea. 1973
details Oligocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Mikhelis,A.A. On reconstructed Phytozones during the conditions of accumulation of Coal sections of the Novodmitrovsk Field 1973
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. New information on the Central Carpathians Paleogene in the Upper Hron Valley 1973
details Tithonian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Vakhrameev,V.A. et al. Paleobotanical data and the Border Line between Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems. 1973
details Eocene Early Pleistocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Prokhorova,S.M. et al. The tin bearing granitoids of the Yan-Indigirsk Lowland and places related to them. 1973