Hystrichosphaera cingulata

Citations total:
Author - title
details Cenomanian Santonian England(Isle of Wight) Clarke,R.F.A. et al. An investigation of microplankton assemblages from the chalk of the Isle of Wight, England. 1967
details Cenomanian Santonian England(Isle of Wight) Clarke,R.F.A. et al. An investigation of microplankton assemblages from the chalk of the Isle of Wight, England. 1967
details Middle Pleistocene Recent Mediterranean Sea Rossignol,M. Hystrichospheres of the Quaternary of the eastern Mediterranean, the Pleistocene sediments and recent marine muds. 1964
details Cenomanian Pleistocene Nd Sarjeant,W.A.S. The stratigraphical distribution of fossil dinoflagellates. 1967
details Early Cretaceous Pleistocene France Eisenack,A. et al. Katalog der Fossilen Dinoflagellaten, Hystrichosph¤ren und Verwandten Mikrofossilien. Band I. Dinoflagellaten. 2.Erg¤nzungslieferung.III + 215p 1971
details Early Cretaceous Pleistocene Australia Eisenack,A. et al. Katalog der Fossilen Dinoflagellaten, Hystrichosph¤ren und Verwandten Mikrofossilien. Band I. Dinoflagellaten. 2.Erg¤nzungslieferung.III + 215p 1971
details Early Cretaceous Pleistocene England Eisenack,A. et al. Katalog der Fossilen Dinoflagellaten, Hystrichosph¤ren und Verwandten Mikrofossilien. Band I. Dinoflagellaten. 2.Erg¤nzungslieferung.III + 215p 1971
details Early Cretaceous Pleistocene Germany Eisenack,A. et al. Katalog der Fossilen Dinoflagellaten, Hystrichosph¤ren und Verwandten Mikrofossilien. Band I. Dinoflagellaten. 2.Erg¤nzungslieferung.III + 215p 1971
details Early Cretaceous Pleistocene Israel Eisenack,A. et al. Katalog der Fossilen Dinoflagellaten, Hystrichosph¤ren und Verwandten Mikrofossilien. Band I. Dinoflagellaten. 2.Erg¤nzungslieferung.III + 215p 1971
details Early Cretaceous Pleistocene Romania Eisenack,A. et al. Katalog der Fossilen Dinoflagellaten, Hystrichosph¤ren und Verwandten Mikrofossilien. Band I. Dinoflagellaten. 2.Erg¤nzungslieferung.III + 215p 1971
details Cenomanian Paleocene Gabon Boltenhagen,E. Palynology of the Upper Cretaceous of Gabon. 1980
details Paleocene Oligocene Antarctica Wilson,G.J. Some new species of Lower Tertiary dinoflagellates 1967
original Eocene Oligocene India(Tripura) Banerjee,D. et al. Hystrichosphaerids in the Tertiary Formations of Assam and Tripura. 1972
details Nd Nd Australia(W.Australia) Cookson,I.C. et al. Microplankton from Australian Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments. 1974
details Eocene Miocene Australia(Victoria) Deflandre,G. et al. Fossil microplankton from Australian Late Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments 1955
details Early Eocene Miocene Australia Verdier,J.P. Addendum to the memoir of G.Deflandre and I.C. Cookson. Fossil microplankton from Upper Mesozoic and Tertiary sediments of Australia. 1970
details Early Cenomanian Middle Cenomanian England(Kent) Paul,C.R.C. et al. Palaeoceanographic events in the Middle Cenomanian of Northwest Europe. 1994