details |
Late Serravallian |
Messinian |
Italy |
Powell,A.J. The stratigraphic distribution of Late Miocene dinoflagellate cysts from the Castellanian Super Stage stratotype, northwest Italy. |
1986 |
details |
Campanian |
Maestrichtian |
USSR(Siberia) |
Ilyina,V.I. et al. Microphytofossils and detail stratigraphy of marine Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia. |
1994 |
details |
Campanian |
Maestrichtian |
USSR(Siberia) |
Ilyina,V.I. et al. Microphytofossils and detail stratigraphy of marine Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Siberia. |
1994 |
details |
Late Campanian |
Maastrichtian |
Morocco |
Rauscher,R. et al. The dinocysts of the Maestrichian phosphates of Morocco. |
1982 |
details |
Campanian |
Maastrichtian |
Kansas |
Lammons,J.M. The palynology and paleoecology of the Pierre Shale, (Campanian - Maestrichtian), of northwestern Kansas and Environs. |
1969 |
details |
Late Ypresian |
Lutetian |
France(Landres) |
Michoux,D. Palynostratigraphy of the Eocene of Montfort-en-Chalosse (Landes, France). |
1985 |
details |
Late Danian |
Lutetian |
Germany(Niedersachsen) |
KŠ¶the,A. Paleogene dinoflagellates from Northwest Germany; biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment. |
1991 |
details |
Reuverian |
Ludhamian |
England(Suffolk) |
Zalasiewicz,J.A. et al. Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the Red Crag and Norwich Crag Formation between Aldeburgh and Sizewell, and Suffolk, England |
1988 |
details |
Middle Stampian |
Late Stampian |
France |
Schuler,M. Paleogene environments and paleoclimates. palynology and Ludian-Stampian biostratigraphy of the Eocene and Early Oligocene in the Rhenan, Rhodonian and Hesse Basins |
1990 |
details |
Middle Stampian |
Late Stampian |
W.Germany(Hesse) |
Schuler,M. Paleogene environments and paleoclimates. palynology and Ludian-Stampian biostratigraphy of the Eocene and Early Oligocene in the Rhenan, Rhodonian and Hesse Basins |
1990 |
details |
Late Miocene |
Late Pliocene |
Australia(Victoria) |
Macphail,M.K. et al. Palynostratigraphy of the Bookpurnong Beds and related Late Miocene - Early Pliocene facies in the Central West Murray Basin. Part 1: Dinoflagellates. |
1993 |
details |
Middle Miocene |
Late Pliocene |
North Sea |
Kuhlmann,G. High resolution stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental changes in the southern North Sea during the Neogene : An integrated study of Late Cenozoic marine deposits from the northern part of the Dutch offshore area |
2004 |
details |
Late Paleocene |
Late Oligocene |
South Carolina |
Gohn,G.S et al. Drill hole data charts used in the preliminary stratigraphic database for subsurface sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina. (In: Preliminary stratigraphic database for the subsurface Tertiary and Uppermost Cretaceous sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina. G.S.Gregory et al, compilers) |
2000 |
details |
Late Paleocene |
Late Oligocene |
South Carolina |
Edwards,L.E. et al. Supplement to the preliminary stratigraphic database for subsurface sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina. (In: Preliminary stratigraphic database for the subsurface Tertiary and Uppermost Cretaceous sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina. G.S.Gregory et al, compilers) |
2000 |
details |
Late Paleocene |
Late Oligocene |
South Carolina |
Gohn,G.S et al. Drill hole data charts used in the preliminary stratigraphic database for subsurface sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina. (In: Preliminary stratigraphic database for the subsurface Tertiary and Uppermost Cretaceous sediments of Dorchester County, South Carolina. G.S.Gregory et al, compilers) |
2000 |
details |
Paleocene |
Late Neogene |
Argentina(Buenos Aires) |
Gamerro,J.C. et al. Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary palynozones of the Continental Platform in the Colorado Basin of Argentina. |
1981 |
details |
Early Eocene |
Late Neogene |
Atlantic Ocean |
Williams,G.L. Palynological biostratigraphy, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Sites 367 and 370. |
1978 |