Acanthotriletes resistens

Citations total:
Author - title
details Kungurian USSR(Yakut ASSR) Dibner,A.F. Separation of Permian deposits of the Oleneks Rise into formations on palynological data. 1965
details Late Permian USSR(Gorki) Dibner,A.F. On two spore-pollen complexes from deposits of the Pechora Series. (In: Scientific Notes, Palaeontology and biostratigraphy) 1963
details Middle Carboniferous USSR(E.Kazakh Oblast) Kagarmanov,A.K. et al. Typical sections of the Middle Carboniferous of the southwest part of the Zaisan Fold System. (In: The Invertabrate Paleozoic and the Stratigraphy of the USSR Phanerozoic) 1981
details Early Carboniferous Middle Carboniferous Arctic Ocean Dibner,A.F. et al. Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic spore-pollen assemblages of the Barents Sea Shelf and their geological significance. (In: Geology and mineral genesis in Arctic Region USSR. Symposium of Scientific Studies.) 1981
details Late Permian Arctic Ocean Dibner,A.F. et al. Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic spore-pollen assemblages of the Barents Sea Shelf and their geological significance. (In: Geology and mineral genesis in Arctic Region USSR. Symposium of Scientific Studies.) 1981
details Early Permian USSR(Evenki Nat.Okrug) Gutova,L.N. et al. Palynologic characteristics of the Upper Paleozoic of southeastern Part of Tungusski Basin, 1966