Laevigatisporites minimalis

Citations total:
Author - title
details Westphalian D Germany(Leipzig) DybovЎ,S. et al. The age of the Boghead Coal from Zwickau-Lugau based on palynologic analysis. 1957
details Westphalian B Rotliegendes Poland Milewicz,J. et al. Preliminary observations on the Carboniferous of the North Sudetic Depression of Poland 1965
details Westphalian A Westphalian B Czechoslovakia Jachowicz,A. Boundary between Ruda and Orzesze Beds in "Silesia" Coal Mine in view of microspore investigations, (Upper Silesia). (In: Contributions to the Geology of the Silesian and Cracovian Regions.) 1957
details Visean Westphalian D Turkey Agrali,B. et al. Study of the microspores of the Carboniferous Basin of Amasra (1-2). 1969
details Nd Nd Loboziak,S. The micro and megaspores of the western part of the northern Coal Basin of France. 1971
details Nd Nd Loboziak,S. The micro and megaspores of the western part of the northern Coal Basin of France. 1971
details Nd Nd Coquel,R. Palynologic study of the coal series of the Valenciennes production unit of the North France Coal Basin. 1974
details Nd Nd Coquel,R. Palynologic study of the coal series of the Valenciennes production unit of the North France Coal Basin. 1974
details Nd Nd Nd Coquel,R. Palynologic study of the coal series of the Valenciennes production unit of the North France Coal Basin. 1974
details Namurian B Early Westphalian A Poland Gгrecka,T. Stratigraphy of the Bialy Kamien Beds in the northwestern part of the Intra-Sudetic Trough on the Ground of palynological research. (In: Geological research in the Lower Silesian Region) 1969
details Namurian A Poland Jachowicz,A. Stratigraphical problems in the Upper Silesian productive Carboniferous in view of microspore investigations 1958
details Namurian A Early Westphalian B Czechoslovakia DybovЎ,S. et al. Microspore-Zones of the Carboniferous of the Ostrava-Karvina Region 1957
details Namurian A Early Westphalian B Czechoslovakia DybovЎ,S. et al. Microspore-Zones of the Carboniferous of the Ostrava-Karvina Region 1957
original Namurian A Westphalian B Poland DybovЎ,S. et al. Microspores of the Upper Silesian Coal Measures. 1957
original Namurian A Westphalian C Poland DybovЎ,S. et al. Microspores of the Upper Silesian Coal Measures. 1957
details Namurian A Westphalian C Poland DybovЎ,S. et al. Microspore zones in Upper Silesian productive Carboniferous. 1957
details Namurian A Westphalian C Poland DybovЎ,S. et al. Microspore zones in Upper Silesian productive Carboniferous. 1957