
Citations total:
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details Late Tertiary USSR(Yakut ASSR) Rybakova,N.O. Spore pollen complexes from the Neogene of Arctic Yakut 1973
details Early Miocene Middle Miocene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Egorova,I.A. Palynological data of Neogene deposits in eastern Kamchatka 1973
details Late Miocene Late Neogene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Egorova,I.A. Palynological data of Neogene deposits in eastern Kamchatka 1973
details Late Jurassic USSR(Abkhaz ASSR) Karashvili,B.D. Palynological characteristic of the Jurassic deposits of the Abkhazian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. (In: Palynology, Method and Stratigraphy) 1973
details Late Turonian Santonian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Komarova,N.I. Cretaceous complexes of miospores of the Turgay Plain and Priaralya. (In: Palynology, Method and Stratigraphy) 1973
details Cenomanian USSR(Uzbek SSR) Komarova,N.I. Cretaceous complexes of miospores of the Turgay Plain and Priaralya. (In: Palynology, Method and Stratigraphy) 1973
details Maastrichtian Paleocene USSR(Sakhalin Oblast) Budrin,V.S. et al. The age of Cretaceous and Paleogene boundary deposits in Sakhalin. (In: Palynology, Method and Stratigraphy) 1973
details Late Eocene Oligocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Zhezhel,O.N. The boundary between Eocene and Oligocene deposits at North Ustyurt (according to palynological data). (In: Palynology, Method and Stratigraphy) 1973
details Early Pliocene USSR(Georgian SSR) Shatilova,I.I. The causes of changes of the Late Pliocene and Pleistocene Forests in West Georgia 1973
details Early Cretaceous China(Kansu) Hsм,J. et al. Sporo-pollen assemblage and geological age of the Lower Xinminbu Formation of Chiuchuan, Kansu, (Gansu). 1974
details Middle Oligocene Late Oligocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Akhmeteev,M.A. The Oligocene and Miocene floras in the Soviet South Far East as indicators of climatic environments 1974
details Middle Eocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Gruzman,A.D. et al. Paleontology characteristic of the Paleocene-Eocene deposits of the North Sloper of the Ukrainian Carpathians 1974
details Paleocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Korallova,V.V. Palynological characteristics of the Paleocene deposits of the North Prichernomorian Deporession 1974
details Middle Oligocene Late Oligocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Mikhelis,A.A. et al. The fossil pollen and their significance for stratigraphy of the Paleogene-Neogene desposits of Donbass. 1974
details Pannonian Sarmatian Czechoslovakia Karolusova,E. Correlation of Tufitic sediments of the Zvolen Depression and Volcanic rocks of the Kremnike Higland 1974
details Late Pliocene France(Herault) Planchais,N. The Latest Tertiary palynoflora of Sete, (Herault). 1974
details Late Pliocene Italy Lona,F. et al. Synchronization of outstanding stages of some Italian Upper Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene sequences especially by means of palynological research 1974