
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Early Miocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Karlov,N.N. et al. New data on the Poltavian flora of Zmiyev. 1967
details Late Pliocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Velikovskaya,Y.M. et al. Youngest Pliocene of the Transcarpathian Downwarp. 1967
details Middle Pliocene Late Pliocene USSR(Carpathians) Velikovskaya,Y.M. et al. Middle and Upper Pliocene of the Transcarpathian Downwarp. 1967
details Reuverian Poland Stachurska,A. et al. Pliocene section at Ruszow in the light of botanical analysis. 1967
details Keuper Hettangian Poland Orlowska-Zwolinska,T. Microfloristic criteria for age determination of the beds occurring at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary in the Extra-Carpthian areas of Poland. 1967
details Late Neogene France(Isere) Ballesio,R. et al. The Pliocene of the Bas-Dauphine 1967
details Malm Turonian USSR(WSL) Neyshtadt,M.I. Situation of palynological research in the USSR. 1967
details Early Pliocene France(Puy-de-Dome) Brun,A. et al. Palynologic and geodynamic study of the Formation of the Bourboule (France). 1967
details Early Pliocene Yugoslavia Pantic,N.K. et al. The Lower Pliocene swamp vegetation of the Kolubara Bay and the genesis of the Coal Seam. 1967
details Quaternary Nd Sato,S. Suspended problems of pollen analysis (of Pre-Quaternary) in Japan. 1967
details Aptian Albian USSR(Siberia) Markova,L.G. Spore and pollen assemblages of the Lower Cretaceous from Western Siberia. 1967
details Albian Cenomanian USSR(WSL) Markova,L.G. et al. Correlation of Continental Cenomanian Layers of some Southern Regions in the Western Siberian Lowlands, based on paleobotanical facts. 1967
details Cenomanian USSR(WSL) Markova,L.G. et al. Correlation of Continental Cenomanian Layers of some Southern Regions in the Western Siberian Lowlands, based on paleobotanical facts. 1967
details Middle Miocene Late Sarmatian USSR(Azerbaijan SSR) Dzhabarova,K.S. Flora and vegetation of Western Azerbaijan during the Upper Miocene. 1967
details Late Neogene USSR(Georgian SSR) Shatilova,I.I. Palynological characteristics of the Kuyalnian, Gurian and Chaudinian deposits of Georgia. 1967
details Early Miocene Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. Palynological characteristics of the Karpathian Series. 1967
details Maastrichtian Danian USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Popova,L.L. Spore-pollen assemblages from Upper Cretaceous deposits in the Middle Course of the Solena River (Yenisey Estuary District) 1968