
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Neogene Ukraine Mikhelis,A.A. The Neogene spore and pollen assemblages of the Donetz Basin 1972
details Pleistocene Poland Srodon,A. Deposits containing Pliocene flora in the Nowy Targ Basin and Kroscienko on the Dunajec River (Western Carpathians). 1973
details Aptian USSR(Tyumenskaya Oblast) Musina,G.V. et al. Dependence of the composition of palynological spectra on post-sedimentation changes in oil-bearing deposits of Western Siberia. (In: Technical Problems in Palynology. A.M.Medvedeva, editor) 1973
details Middle Eocene Miocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Mikhelis,A.A. et al. Confirmation of the stratigraphic boundaries of the Paleogene Neogene deposits along the Northwestern edge of the Donets Basin, (from palynological data). 1973
details Eocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Mikhelis,A.A. On reconstructed Phytozones during the conditions of accumulation of Coal sections of the Novodmitrovsk Field 1973
details Helvetian Czechoslovakia Deb,U. Palaeoclimatic conditions of the Cypris Bed (Helvetian) Czechoslovakia, as indicated by its palynological characters. 1973
details Late Eocene USSR(Kazakh SSR) Velikiy,N.M. New paleontological data on the limits of Oligocene deposits within the area North of the Aral Sea 1973
details Berriasian Valanginian USSR(Taymyr Nat.Okrug) Vakhrameev,V.A. et al. Paleobotanical data and the Border Line between Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems. 1973
details Paleocene Oligocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Kulkova,I.A. Palynological research of Eocene sediments of Yano-Indirgir Lowland 1973
details Late Pliocene Early Pleistocene Greece Sauvage,J. et al. On the presence of a Preteglian and Teglian Microflora in the Plio-Pleistocene Formations of western Euboea, (Greece). 1973
details Quaternary Poland Jaworska,Z. Palynological research of ice-dammed lake deposits in the vicinity of Bolkow, (the Kaczawa Mountains). 1973
details Middle Oligocene Late Oligocene USSR(Mountain Altai) Rosenberg,L.I. On stratigraphy of Cenozoic (Preglacial) deposits of Upland Altai 1973
details Late Cretaceous Early Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Prokhorova,S.M. et al. The tin bearing granitoids of the Yan-Indigirsk Lowland and places related to them. 1973
details Late Pliocene Japan(Osaka Pref.) Tai,A. A study on the pollen stratigraphy of the Osaka Group, Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits in the Osaka Basin. 1973
details Late Miocene Washington Sparks,D.M. et al. The descriptive palynology of the Montesano Formation, (Upper Miocene), of western Washington. 1973
details Aptian USSR(Siberia) Samoilovich,S.R. et al. The vegetational Maps of North Siberia and North-East of the European part of the USSR in Mesozoic and Palaeogene. 1973
details Aptian USSR(European) Samoilovich,S.R. et al. The vegetational Maps of North Siberia and North-East of the European part of the USSR in Mesozoic and Palaeogene. 1973