Valvisisporites appendiculatus

Citations total:
Author - title
details Westphalian Stephanian W.Germany(Saarland) Bharadwaj,D.C. The palynological investigations of the Saar Coals. Part 1-Morphography of sporae dispersae. 1957
details Late Carboniferous W.Germany(Saarland) Lachkar,G. Megaspores of the Saar-Lorraine Coal Basin. a systematic study and statistical application to the Upper Carboniferous stratigraphy. 1975
details Westphalian W.Germany(Saarland) Lachkar,G. Megaspores of the Saar-Lorraine Coal Basin. a systematic study and statistical application to the Upper Carboniferous stratigraphy. 1975
details Westphalian B W.Germany(Rhineland) Moller,G.W. Microfloristic and micropetrographic investigation from the Middle Alsdorfer Beds, (Layer 10-17) of the Emil Mayrisch Ravine in Aachener Coal Seam. (In: The Geology of Northwestern German Coal Beds.) 1966
details Late Westphalian B W.Germany(N.Rhine) Potonie,R. et al. The spore dispersae of the Rhur Carboniferous, their morphography and stratigraphy with reviews of species of other areas.Part 2 1956
details Middle Carboniferous USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Semenova,E.V. Megaspores of Paleozoic plants in some Regions of the Ukrain and Southern Voronezh area and their stratigraphic importance 1987
details Middle Carboniferous USSR(Saratov) Semenova,E.V. Megaspores of Paleozoic plants in some Regions of the Ukrain and Southern Voronezh area and their stratigraphic importance 1987
details Westphalian A Stephanian Turkey Braman,D.R. et al. The stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Carboniferous megaspores. 1980
details Westphalian A Stephanian Spain Braman,D.R. et al. The stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Carboniferous megaspores. 1980
details Westphalian A Stephanian Poland Braman,D.R. et al. The stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Carboniferous megaspores. 1980
details Westphalian A Westphalian C Poland Jachowicz,A. The Upper Carboniferous 1970
details Westphalian A Westphalian B Poland Jachowicz,A. The Upper Carboniferous 1970
details Late Westphalian C Poland Jachowicz,A. Palynological investigations of the Upper Carboni Ferous in the Polish Part of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin 1967
details Westphalian D Poland Jachowicz,A. Palynological investigations of the Upper Carboni Ferous in the Polish Part of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin 1967
details Carboniferous Poland Jachowicz,A. Flora of the Carboniferous:Microflora 1972
details Westphalian C Westphalian D Poland Bukowy,S. et al. New data concerning the Upper Carboniferous from Miechow Basin 1964
details Westphalian A Westphalian D Poland Jachowicz,A. Microfloristic characteristics of the deposits of the Lublin Carboniferous. 1966