
Citations total:
Author - title
details Santonian Early Eocene England(Oxfordshire) Jarzen,D.M. Angiosperm pollen-Keys to the understanding of Cretaceous and Tertiary Flowering plants. 1982
details Sabinian Louisiana Gennett,J.A. Pollen spectra from a Wilcox Lignite Seam, Northwest Louisiana 1987
details Pliocene S.Ireland(Mayo) Boulter,M.C. Irish Tertiary plant fossils in a European Context 1980
details Paleogene China(Hupei) Wang,K.F. et al. Palynological assemblages of the crude oil from the Buried Hills of China and the research of the oil source 1985
details Paleogene China(Hupei) Wang,K.F. et al. Palynological assemblages of the crude oil from the Buried Hills of China and the research of the oil source 1985
details Paleocene China Sun,X.-J. Late Cretaceous and Paleocene palynoflora of China. 1980
details Paleocene China Sun,X.-J. Palynofloristical investigation on the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene of China. 1979
details Paleocene Middle Miocene North Sea Boulter,M.C. Pollen and spore events from the marine Tertiary of North Europe 1986
details Paleocene Canada(Alberta) Demchuk,T.D. A Modified Momipites-Caryapollenites palynoflora Lineage-Central Alberta Paleocene zonation 1987
details Paleocene Colorado Fleming,R.F. Palynology of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton Basin-Implications for the development of Tertiary flora 1988
details Paleocene Canada(Alberta) Demchuk,T.D. Palynostratigraphy of the Paleocene strata of West-Central and Southern Alberta 1987
details Paleocene Canada(Arctic) Dietrich,J.R. et al. The geology, biostratigraphy and organic geochemist geochemistry of the Natsek E-56 and Edlok N-56 wells Western Beaufort Sea. (In: Current Research, Part G: Frontier Geoscience Program, Arctic Canada) 1989
details Paleocene Colorado Newman,K.R. Redeposited Cretaceous palynomorphs in Paleocene rocks, Moffat and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado. 1966
details Paleocene Wyoming Nichols,D.J. et al. Biostratigraphy and evolution of the Momipites-Caryapollenites Lineage in the Early Tertiary in the Wind River Basin, Wyomig. 1978
details Paleocene Wyoming Liro,L.M. Sequence stratigraphy of a lacustrine system: Upper Fort Union Formation (Paleocene), Wind River Basin, Wyoming, USA. (In: Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy, Recent Developments and Applications. P. Weimer and H. Posamentier, editors) 1993
details Paleocene Northern Hemisphere Shearer,J.C. et al. Delineation of distinctive nature of Tertiary coal beds. 1995
details Paleocene Wyoming Jarzen,D.M. et al. Pollen. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996