Pervosphaeridium truncigerum

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Cenomanian Colorado Courtinat,B. et al. The organic matter of Upper Hartland and Lower Bridge Creek Members (Upper Cenomanian, United States Western Interior Basin) and its sequential interpretation. 1993
details Coniacian Early Campanian Northern Hemisphere Williams,G.L. et al. Morphology and stratigraphic ranger of selected Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinoflagellate taxa in the northern Hemisphere 1993
details Late Cenomanian Colorado Courtinat,B. The significance of palynofacies fluctuations in the Greenhorn Formation (Cenomanian - Turonian) of the Western Interior Basin, USA. 1993
details Early Danian Alabama Moshkovitz,S. et al. Calcareous nannofossil and dinoflagellate stratigraphy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, Alabama and Georgia 1993
details Nd Nd Pavlishina,P. Maestrichtian dinoflagellate cysts from North Bulgaria: Taxonomy biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental interpretations. 1995
details Senonian England Stover,L.E. et al. Mesozoic-Tertiary dinoflagellates, acritarchs and Prasinophytes. (Principles and Applications. Applications. J.Jansonius and D.C.McGregor, editors.) 1996
details Coniacian Early Campanian Netherlands Herngreen,G.F.W. et al. Upper Cretaceous Chalk Group stratigraphy near the Isle of Texel, The Netherlands (a multidisciplinary approach). 1996
details Nd Nd Williams,G.L. et al. The Lentin and Williams Index of Fossil Dinoflagellates.1998 Edition. 1998