Dicrodiacrodium sp

Citations total:
Author - title
details Early Soudleyan Wales(Powys) Cave,R. et al. Age of the Ordovician Andesitic Conglomerate of Castle Hill, Montgomery, Powys, Wales 1988
details Caradocian Wales(Gwynedd) Barron,H.F. Moyeria carbottii from the Ordovician of Wales, United Kingdom. 1991
details Llanvirnian Wales(Caernarvonshire) Molyneux,S.G. Advances and problems in Ordovician palynology in England and Wales 1990
details Llandeilian Early Caradocian Wales Trythall,R.J.B. et al. Age and controls of Ironstone deposition (Ordovician) North Wales. 1987
details Late Tremadocian Early Llanvirnian USA Servais,T. et al. Recognition of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) by the palaeobiogeographical distribution pattern of early to middle Ordovician acritarchs. 1997
details Late Tremadocian Early Llanvirnian Spain Servais,T. et al. Recognition of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) by the palaeobiogeographical distribution pattern of early to middle Ordovician acritarchs. 1997
details Late Tremadocian Early Llanvirnian Poland Servais,T. et al. Recognition of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) by the palaeobiogeographical distribution pattern of early to middle Ordovician acritarchs. 1997
details Nd Nd Servais,T. et al. Variability in the Ordovician acritarch Dicrodiacrodium 1996
original Arenigian Llanvirnian Morocco Fournier-Vinas,C. Ordovician acritarchs of Zekkara, (East Morocco). 1985
details Late Tremadocian Early Llanvirnian Ireland Servais,T. et al. Recognition of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) by the palaeobiogeographical distribution pattern of early to middle Ordovician acritarchs. 1997
details Middle Ordovician Gondwanaland Li,J. et al. ################ 2003
details Tremadocian France(Herault) Rauscher,R. Micropaleontological and stratigraphic research in the Ordovician and Silurian in France. Study of the acritarchs, chitinozoans and spores. 1973
details Tremadocian France(Herault) Martin,F. Acritarchs of the Lower Ordovician of the Montagne Noire (Herault, France). 1972
details Late Tremadocian Early Llanvirnian France Servais,T. et al. Recognition of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) by the palaeobiogeographical distribution pattern of early to middle Ordovician acritarchs. 1997
details Llanvirnian E.Germany(Rostock) Servais,T. The Ordovician acritarchs from Rugen, (Northeast Germany), palaeobiogeographical evidence for the attribution to eastern Avalonia. 1994
details Late Tremadocian Early Llanvirnian Czechoslovakia(Bohemia) Servais,T. et al. Recognition of the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ) by the palaeobiogeographical distribution pattern of early to middle Ordovician acritarchs. 1997
details Nd Czechoslovakia VavrdovЎ,M. Acritarchs from the Sarka Formation (Llanvirnian). 1977