Tsuga sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Albian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Brideaux,W.W. et al. Biostratigraphic determinations of fossils from the subsurface of the Districts of Franklin and MacKenzie. 1975
details Eocene Canada(Yukon) Hopkins,W.S. et al. Some coalbearing Eocene Sediments and comments on their combined microflora Cliff Creek, Yukon Territory. 1975
details Nd Canada(NWT,Franklin) Jackson,G.D. et al. Bylot Island Map-Area, District of Franklin. 1975
details Nd Canada(NWT,Franklin) Jackson,G.D. et al. Bylot Island Map-Area, District of Franklin. 1975
details Late Miocene France(Ardeche) Naud,G. et al. Contribution to the paleofloristic study of Coirons (Ardeche) 1975
details Late Neogene USSR(Kamchatka Oblast) Skiba,L.A. The history of the Deveolpment of Kamchatka vegetation during the Late Cenozoic. 1975
details Late Pliocene Taiwan Huang,T.-C. Paleoecological study of Taiwan.4. Waichiataoken Profile. 1975
details Late Oligocene Late Pleistocene USSR(Chukchi Aut.Okrug) Puminov,A.P. Correlation of Late Cenozoic shorelines of the Chukchi Sea. 1975
details Pliocene Pleistocene Poland Stuchlik,L. Characteristic palynology from Ponurzycy (Otwocka Region) 1975
details Eocene Quaternary China(Peking) Kong,Z.-C. et al. Vegetational and climatic changes in Peking during the past one hundred years. 1976
details Late Neogene Pleistocene Japan(Kyoto Pref.) Matsuoka,K. Paleoenvironmental study of the Saho and the Saidaiji Formation from a view point of palynology. 1976
details Late Neogene Pleistocene Japan(Kyoto Pref.) Matsuoka,K. Paleoenvironmental study of the Saho and the Saidaiji Formation from a view point of palynology. 1976
details Middle Miocene USSR(Yakut ASSR) Fradkina,A.F. Palynological characteristics of the Mamontova Gora depositions. (In: The Miocene of the Mamontova Gora, (stratigraphy and paleoflora). J.P.Baranova et al, editors) 1976
details Paleocene Miocene USSR(Far East) Lobanov,V.V. et al. Spore/Pollen complexes of Cenozoic deposit section on Southern Chaun Bay coast and some problems of Chaun-Chukota palaeogeography. (In: Palynology in Continental and Marine Geologic Investigations) 1976
details Late Eocene USSR(Yamalo-Nenets) Lyubomirova,K.A. The palynological characteristics of the Chegansk horizon of North West Siberia. (In: Palynological Studies. Collected Articles. S.R.Samoilovich, editor) 1976
details Late Neogene Early Pleistocene France(Herault) Suc,J.-P. Some fossil guides in the paleoclimatological study of the Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene of Languedoc (France). 1976
details Late Eocene Early Oligocene Canada(British Columbia) Hopkins,W.S. et al. A microflora from a short section of the Paleocene Kishenehn Formation, southeastern British Columbia. 1976