Lycopodium sp

Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Turonian Coniacian USSR(WSL) Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. 1971
details Maastrichtian USSR(WSL) Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. 1971
details Aptian USSR(Primorsk Kray) Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. 1971
details Barremian Aptian USSR(Siberia) Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. 1971
details Senonian USSR(Siberia) Chlonova,A.F. Palynological characteristics of Cretaceous Layers in Siberia and the Far East. 1971
details Danian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Rotman,R.R. Spore-pollen complex of Danish Stage deposits of Bakhchisarai District of the Crimea. 1971
details Late Pliocene USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Shchekina,N.A. The history of the vegetative Cover of the Southern Ukraine in the Late Pliocene (as to the data of spore-pollen analyis). 1971
details Early Tertiary Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Norford,B.S. et al. Biostratigraphic determinations of fossils from the subsurface of the Yukon Territory and the District of MacKenzie 1971
details Paleocene Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Norford,B.S. et al. Biostratigraphic determinations of fossils from the subsurface of the Yukon Territory and the District of MacKenzie 1971
details Valanginian Albian USSR(WSL) Markova,L.G. The history of development of the Early Cretaceous flora from the Western Siberian Lowlands (Based on palynological facts). 1971
details Pontian Czechoslovakia Planderova,E. The problem of floristic boundary between Pliocene-Pleistocene in Western Carpathian Mountains on the basis of palynological examination. 1971
details Aalenian Callovian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Vyalova,R.I. et al. Stratigraphy of Jurassic deposits of Southern Mangyshlak based on palynology. (In: Palynology in Petroleum Geology. N.M.Ivanova, editor) 1971
details Early Liassic Middle Liassic USSR(Kazakh SSR) Menshikova,N.Y. Palynological data on the stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic deposits in Mangyshlak. (In: Palynology in Petroleum Geology. N.M.Ivanova, editor) 1971
details Early Hauterivian Late Hauterivian USSR(Kazakh SSR) Shakhmundes,V.A. Stratigraphy of Hauterivian deposits in northern Pre-Caspian based on palynology. (In: Palynology in Petroleum Geology. N.M.Ivanova, editor) 1971
details Valanginian USSR(WSL) Mchedlishvili,N.D. Lower Cretaceous flora of the northwestern part of the Western Siberian Lowland. (In: Palynology in Petroleum Geology. N.M.Ivanova, editor) 1971
details Hauterivian Aptian USSR(WSL) Mchedlishvili,N.D. Lower Cretaceous flora of the northwestern part of the Western Siberian Lowland. (In: Palynology in Petroleum Geology. N.M.Ivanova, editor) 1971
details Oligocene USSR(Primorsk Kray) Barbashinova,V.N. Spore and pollen assemblages of the Uglovski Suite of the Artemovsk Coal Layers 1971