
Citations total:
link From To Geolocation Author - title Year
details Late Pennsylvanian USA(Appalachian Bn.) Gillespie,W.H. et al. Age of Dunkard Group, Appalachian Basin. 1969
details Stephanian USA(Appalachian Bn.) Clendening,J.A. The base of the Permian in the Appalachians; ninety years of controversy. 1969
details Middle Stephanian France(Loire) Liabeuf,J.J. et al. Palynological study of the Coal Basin of St. Etienne, Stratotype of the Stephanian. 1969
details Pennsylvanian Nd Kosanke,R.M. Mississippian and Pennsylvanian palynology. (In: Aspects of Palynology. R.H. Tschudy and R.A. Scott, editors) 1969
details Pennsylvanian Illinois Peppers,R.A. et al. A comparison of the floras of the Colchester (No.2) Coal and Francis Creek Shale. (In: Depositional environments in parts of the Carbondale Formation: Western and northern Illinois) 1970
details Westphalian D USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Teteryuk,V.K. Correlation of the Middle Carboniferous of the Donetzs Basin and the Westphalian of Western Europe by microspores. (In: Carboniferous Stratigraphy Problems. S.V. Semichatova, editor) 1970
details Westphalian D Nd Teteryuk,V.K. Attempt at correlation of Middle Carboniferous deposits of the Donbas and Euramerian palaeofloristic regions based on miospores. 1970
details Middle Westphalian C Late Westphalian C Germany Grebe,H. Microflora. 1971
details Early Westphalian D Texas Gupta,S. et al. Palynology of the Garner Formation (Strawn Series) of north-central Texas. 1972
details Pennsylvanian Kansas Wilson,L.R. Palynological evidence for a Pennsylvanian age assignment. 1973
details Gzelian USSR(Orenburg) Pnev,V.P. et al. A Stratotypic Orenbourgian Stage section near the Nikolskoye Village, (South Urals). 1975
details Late Pennsylvanian Virginia Clendening,J.A. Palynological evidence for a Pennsylvanian age assignment of the Dunkard Group in the Appalachian Basin. Part 1 1975
details Late Pennsylvanian Pennsylvania Clendening,J.A. Palynological evidence for a Pennsylvanian age assignment of the Dunkard Group in the Appalachian Basin. Part 1 1975
details Late Pennsylvanian Ohio Clendening,J.A. Palynological evidence for a Pennsylvanian age assignment of the Dunkard Group in the Appalachian Basin. Part 1 1975
details Late Pennsylvanian Permian Kansas Clendening,J.A. Palynological evidence for a Pennsylvanian age assignment of the Dunkard Group in the Appalachian Basin. Part 1 1975
details Westphalian C Texas Fienning,R.L. et al. Palynology of the Grindstone Creek Formation of the Millsap Lake Group, Lower Strawn, of North Central Texas. 1976
details Gzelian USSR(European) Faddeeva,I.Z. Regularities of change of miospore complexes in Stratotypical sections of Permian of the eastern European Platform and Ural. 1976