
Citations total:
Author - title
details Late Famennian Strunian China(Kiangsu) Li,X.-X. et al. Recent advances in the study of the Wutong Formation of the Lower Yangtze Valley 1984
details Early Frasnian Middle Tournaisian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) Braman,D.R. et al. Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous miospore zonation of the Imperial and Tuttle Formations, Yukon and District of MacKenzie, Canada 1984
details Early Frasnian Middle Tournaisian Canada(Yukon) Braman,D.R. et al. Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous miospore zonation of the Imperial and Tuttle Formations, Yukon and District of MacKenzie, Canada 1984
details Early Llandoverian Middle Llandoverian Saudi Arabia Stump,T.E. et al. The stratigraphy, depositional environments and periods of deformation of the Wajid outcrop Belt, southwestern Saudi Arabia 1995
details Middle Triassic Late Triassic USSR(Kazakh SSR) Sakulina,G.V. Middle and Late Triassic miospores from southeastern Kazakhstan. (In: Mikrofossilii Drevneishikh Otlozhenii. T.F.Vozzhennikova and T.B.Timofeev, editors) 1973
details Late Eifelian Late Famennian USSR(European) Chibrikova,E.V. et al. Zonal complexes of Devonian spores and pollen in the European part of USSR and their analogues abroad. 1974
details Givetian Late Devonian Canada(NWT,Mackenzie) McGregor,D.C. et al. Appendix 1; Paleontology. (In: Subsurface geology of Pre-Mesozoic strata, Great Bear River Map area, District of MacKenzie-D.C.Pugh) 1993
details Late Eifelian Frasnian USSR Andreeva,E.M. Acritarchs, spores and pollen of higher plants. (In: Devonian Systems. D.V.Nalivkin et al, editors) 1973
details Givetian Frasnian USSR(Russian Platform) Averyanov,V.I. Characteristics of the devolopment of flora and fauna during the Eifelian to Lower Frasnian Stages in the eastern part of the Russian Platform. (In: Biostratigraphic and Paleobiofacies Studies their Practical Significance. I.E.Zanina, editor) 1970
details Givetian Famennian USSR Raskatova,L.G. On the question of paleofloristic regionalism in the Devonian, on palynological data. (In: Life on Ancient Continents: Its Establishment and Expansion.) 1981
details Emsian Famennian Nd Kedves,M. Introduction to the palynology of Pre-Quaternary deposits 1986
details Emsian Famennian Nd Chaloner,W.G. Spores and Land-Plant evolution. 1967
details Ludlovian Emsian Czechoslovakia SnopkovŠŽ,P. et al. Biostratigraphy of the Gelnica Group in the Spissko-Gemerski Rudohoris (Mountains), based on palynological data. 1979
details Emsian Eifelian Spitsbergen Owens,B. et al. Some recent advances in Devonian palynology. A review. Report of CIMP Working Group No.13B. 1972
details Famennian Early Tournaisian China(Kiangsu) Li,X. et al. Recent advances in the study of the Wutong Formation of the Lower Yangtze Vallay 1984
details Late Emsian Early Tournaisian USSR(Ukrainian SSR) Partyka,I.I. Devonian and Carboniferous microspores and pollen of the Ukraine. (In: New data on the stratigraphy and fauna of the Phanerozoic of the Ukraine) 1982
details Late Wenlockian Early Ludlovian S.Ireland(Westmeath) Morris,J.H. The stratigraphy of the Lower Paleozoic rocks in the western end of the Longford Down Inlier, Ireland. 1983