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details Late Precambrian Early Cambrian Czech Republic PacltovŠŽ,B. Uppermost Neoproterozoic-Lower Cambrian acritarch assemblages of the volcanosedimentary series of west Bohemian Neoproterozoic. (In: Commision Internationale de microflore du Paleozoique (CIMP) Acritarch Subcommision: O.Fatka and T.Servais, editors) 1996
details Early Cambrian Baltic Yankauskas,T.V. Cambrian acritarch based biozonation of the Baltic Syneclise. (In: Commision Internationale de microflore du Paleozoique (CIMP) Acritarch Subcommision: O.Fatka and T.Servais, editors) 1996
details Early Cambrian Poland Jachowicz,M. Lower Palaeozoic acritarch assemblages from the Upper Silesian Block (USB). (In: Commision Internationale de microflore du Paleozoique (CIMP) Acritarch Subcommision: O.Fatka and T.Servais, editors) 1996
details Middle Cambrian Poland Moczydlowska,M. Cambrian acritarchs from Upper Silesia, Poland: Biochronology and tectonic implications. 1998
details Late Precambrian Early Cambrian India(Himachal Pradesh) Tiwari,M. Organic-walled microfossils from the Chert-phosphorite Member, Tal Formation, Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary, India. 1999
details Early Cambrian Sweden Moczydlowska,M. et al. Biochronology of the autochthonous Lower Cambrian in the Laisvall-Storuman Area, Swedish Caledonides. 2001